Makes sense. I had thought if one could use a code word to tell the system when to listen for your command and when to turn off then this might cut down on it picking up anything in the background?
These are standard features, but it's not really enough to make using an open mic feasible in a loud environment, in my opinion.
Also before I experiment with VC and voxwav, can you confirm which player you use and if you are able to have a playlist run continuously and if you can call up a specific tune from your entire library and have it either play now or play next please?
I use MediaMonkey, but you can use iTunes, Kodi, JRiverMedia center. Functionality will vary depending on the program.
MediaMonkey has an option to play a song next instead of now but it seems to queue the requested song at the end of the playlist, rather than the beginning. I can take a look at the MediaMonkey plugin to see if this can be fixed because that's not really how it should work ideally.
Getting a song to play next on OtsWav is relatively straightforward assuming you know the ID number that OtsAV has assigned to that particular song.