About Variables
Looks like this: {C.temp_c}
This is current data only so there is no #
10 Day Text
Looks like this: {T#.title}
# can be anything from 0 to 19
0=today (day)
1=today (night)
2=tomorrow (day)
3=tomorrow (night)
10 Day Data
Looks like this: {D#.snow_allday}
# can be anything from 0 to 9
0=today (all day)
1=tomorrow (all day)
2=day after tomorrow (all day)
When you drop a variable onto one of the 4 numbered Format Fields (0-3) the # will be automatically replaced with the number of the field, but you can still change it to something else. For example I used field 3 to retrieve the upcoming highs for each day:
Highs this week, {D0.weekday} {D0.high}, {D1.weekday} {D1.high}, {D2.weekday} {D2.high}, {D3.weekday} {D3.high}, {D4.weekday} {D4.high}.
a variation on this would be:
Highs this week, Today: {D0.high}, Tomorrow: {D1.high}, {D2.weekday} {D2.high}, {D3.weekday} {D3.high}, {D4.weekday} {D4.high}.