Im currently in trile mode and I rely like this product and wanna buy it. But be4 I do, I wanna get some help to get voxcommando to recognize me to a minimum 9 out of 10 commands I give it.
Currently it dose not do that
So im gonna list what I have done this far.
* Using MS SP 11
* Hifi mic open air
* My english accent is pretty good. (I have tried both US and GB)
* my mic registers about 3-10% of voxcommando mic level indicator
Okey so I have set up a baseline: controlling the bed light
i have 2 phrases
Phrase 1. turn, switch, bed light, bed light
sPhrase 2. on, off, bed light on, bed light off, bed light
s on, bed light
s off, on bed light, off bed light, on bed light
s, off bed light
sand then something like (A)contains(B)
if {lastspoken} contains "on"
Okey. how can I reach a accuracy of 9 out of 10 commands (accuracy 90%)?
1. Is it possible to get 90% or higher?
2. what is best MS SP 11 or the regular (without training and with training)
3. is it a
smart way of setting up the phreses for the commands to help voxcommando?
4. is it possible to run two voxcommando at the same time on the same computer using MS SP 11 and regular with 2 microphones (one mic for each instant of vox) to compare results
5. what else can I do to improve the accuracy?