Hi escapeartist,
A carputer. Awesome. I'm curious to know more about your hardware, computer, microphone etc., how well the system works with car "noise" and of course, I would love to eventually see a demo video of the sytem in action that we could put on the video page.
Did you try to just switch to off mode (red) and then back to on/listen (green). I think that should reconnect to the mic. If not, let me know and I'll see if there is something I can tweak.
Are you using GENxml, or the settings in options/xbmc tab to generate your music grammar?
VC has a wiki here:
http://voxcommando.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Main_PageFeel free to contribute in any form. It's currently wide open for additions/editing. I've been a bit busy with other stuff (development/forum/real work), and the program is still a bit in flux so there's always the issue of documentation going out of date a bit, but more tutorials and reference materials are definitely needed!
I've also got plans for more import/export capabilities and a special area of the site for shaing xml groups. Initially it will probably just be forum based, but I'd love to set up some kind of database where you can upload groups with descriptions etc.
Anyway, welcome aboard.