no i'm running one instance of VC, i changed the path of the .wav fields to a diffrent sound, but it still makes the same sound..
i have tested this with version 0.853, 0.845, 0.842 and 0.833
all of them giving the same result for me.
i also noticed that when i launch VC (or i set it in green mode) the volume turns up a little, when i set it in OFF mode (red mode) my volume turns down a little.
is this normal?, tested on the following versions: 0.853, 0.845, 0.842 and 0.833
edit: am i the only one with this problem?
Hi Diabl0570,
I tried it with my version 0833, 0845, 0851 and 0853 and have no problems that can replace the sound. If you deleted the sound files or move them, you should no longer heard.
Did I understand correctly that you hear the sounds anyway? Delete the complete VC-Folder, and reinstall Vers.0853, don't forget to save any changes in VC.
I have some questions:
1.- all soundsettings in Windows 7 or Vista works correctly (play music, record wav-files from mic)
2.- what other applications run in backround (Firewall, Zonealarm, ...)
3.- VC is running as Admin?
Greetings Kalle