Between google and your school English you are doing very well!
OK, it sounds like mouse and keyboard emulation. I think I can provide something better within VoxCommando
When I said, "restart" I meant restart VoxCommando, not restart windows.
Even if you have an amulet remote, the only way to use it to change profiles is to use their software which only runs in Windows Media Center.
Do you have any idea how I can test if the profile is changing properly?
Yes i have, when any other person as you talk with VC with your Windows Speechprofil, VC does not understands this correctly.
For an example: with my speechprofil ("Kalle", with my speechtraining), when i say it in VC "what time is it" the command works fine (92%). If my wife says in VC "what time is it" with my speechprofil VC understand this (15-25%).
When I create a new speechprofil for my wife in Windows, and my wife trained this by windows speech recognition, VC works fine for my wife, but not for me.
Try it once and you'll see it
Perhaps there is another way. The Windows Speech Recognition can be trained on and on, I'll just continue this with my wife in my profile, it might work. I think she thinks I'm already crazy, but it makes a lot of fun!
PS: The Amulet software changes only the language profile of Windows, you can very well see in this video at 1:00 min