For those of you who may have missed it here is the preview/demo of VoxWear 2.0
First of all a really big thank-you to Kalle for providing me with the Huawei watch for development and testing. This never would have happened otherwise!
This video shows off the new beta version of VoxWav (called VoxWear 2.0) which is coming soon to the Google Play store and is customized to run on Android Wear 2.0.
This is an early beta (alpha?) developed and tested on a Huawei version 1 watch running a developer preview of Wear 2.0. This version of the app turns Bluetooth off on startup and enables WiFi in order to make direct WiFi communication to VoxCommando possible.
The video shows tilt to speak mode, and then a close-up of the UI and the push to speak method. Other features shown include text to speech on the watch, OSD messages and clickable alternates commands list on the watch.
The app UI includes time, date, and battery percentage.