I've been tinkering with iftt and im kinda confused by how you guys go about getting ifttt to work with voxcommando. I see some people saying to use the maker channel, some saying to use the watcher plugin in vox, and other methods with dropbox.
The other solution is to use an IFTTT recipe that saves a file to Dropbox. Then, in VoxCommando, you set up the Watcher plugin to "watch" for new activity in that Dropbox folder. So, this is a single IFTTT solution, not 2 separate things.
This means, of course, that you need to have Dropbox installed on the same LAN as VC.
http://voxcommando.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Plugin_WatcherWatcher can watch any folder on your network, not just the Dropbox folder. However, in order to integrate VC with IFTTT, we use IFTTT's Dropbox service.
The Dropbox IFTTT service allows you to create and save a text file to your Dropbox account.
The Watcher plugin can either :
a. generate events in VC when it spots new activity in the Dropbox folder; or
b. automatically process a text message saved to a text file in the watched folder, if the message follows VC's standard API syntax (e.g.
TTS.Speak&&Alexa is turning on the living room lights). VC then executes that action automatically. In IFTTT, one of the Dropbox services is to save a message to a text file in Dropbox.