Sorry for my harsh and rude phrasing in my previous post (now edited).
Yes, my OSD time out setting feature request is regarding the automatic OSD for recognized commands confidence and alternates.
Since my post I've been working on finding a way to use actions to achieve what I want.
Perhaps that possibility is already there although I don't quite manage to achieve what I want, an automatic OSD with customizable timeout setting.
Firstly I can't get the command to get triggered by every voice command.
I tried dragging the megaphone icon from the history but it doesn't get accepted as an event.
Activating VC.Alternates in Options - OSD I can use these events but they only occur for voice commands when there are Alternates but I also would like to get voice commands without alternates in an OSD to verify it was interpreted as intended.
Secondly I can't find a variable-parameter for Alternates to be put as/in the text message.
To display the OSD message I've tried three different actions:
* The Growl plugin doesn´t have any timeout setting as an Action Parameter in VC but in the Growl Application settings for Application - Voxcommando you have quite a few settings including Sticky which means stay visible until clicked and even without Sticky set to on you can keep the balloon window visible by putting the mouse pointer over it.
Unfortunately the shortest TimeOut in Growl is setting is 3 seconds which is ok and less than half of the timeout length for VC Automatic OSD but I would prefer 1-2 seconds.
* OSD.ShowText worked ok but I miss settings to control or turn off fade out.
* VcAdvanced.Notify work well but it's timeout setting didn't have any effect on my Windows 7 computer, it was 4 seconds no matter what number for milliseconds I set.
For me, I prefer the VC Growl plugin over VcAdvanced.Notify.
(On a side note/a tip: the Growl application has it's own Windows plugin that shows all Windows balloon notifications through Growl giving you a lot of settings like layou, position, timeout, for balloon notifications from any application, even from those without any built-in Growl plugin/feature.)
The basic and important parts that I can´t get to work is how to get the command to get triggered by every voice command and
how to get Alternates to be put as/in the text message.
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for how to fix/where to find the missing parts to make automatic OSD work by using actions and events?
@jitterjames regarding having to many settings in options;
Perhaps a Basic + Advanced layout could solve this problems, only the basic more fundamental settings in Basic View and the more optional, advanced fine tuning settings in an Advanced View?