Yes, there are several ways.
A Python script that checks if the process is running in a separate thread is probably safest.
Download the Python script that is attached to this message ( and place it in your VoxCommando\PY folder.
You will need to enable the Python plugin in VoxCommando.
Then you can change your command group to:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<commandGroup open="True" name="Hook" enabled="True" prefix="" priority="0" requiredProcess="" description="">
<command id="190" name="Hook VC.Standby" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
<params />
<command id="206" name="Hook VC.On" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
<params />
<command id="207" name="Load Python script" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
The Python script will be executed automatically when you first launch VoxCommando. It will check the current status of the 'ts3client_win64' process every 5 seconds. You can edit the timing if you want.
1. When process running changes to "True", the Python script will enable the Hook plugin.
2. When process running changes to "False", the Python script will disable the Hook plugin.
3. Also, if the status of the process changes, the script will trigger a "True" event in VoxCommando (if process is now running) or a "False" event (if process is now quit). You do not need to use the event, but it is there just in case it is helpful for you or for someone else who wants to adapt the Python code. You will see these events in the History window.