for 1 can you explain a bit more.... as far as know no event fired with positive recognition ... if it exist it will be perfect. Record time then subtract ...
for 2 ... I use these events to modify my leds status ... however if I change leds due to low confidence ... there is no way to know which one it was before .. even in the case of a VFD (screen) or arduino, say VFD showing: VC in stand by ... you say something and VFD show low confidence so you know it was not accepted ... how do we know to set screen back to Stand by and not ON
1. If you take a look in your tree editor, there is a group named "
Vox Commands". In this groups are stored commands like "listen", "don't listen", "vox off" ...
If you click at the plus next to the "don't listen" command, you will see the phrases for the command, followed by an event "VC.Standby" and the same for the commands "Listen" and "Vox-Off". So far I know this commands are generate events as standard in each VC configuration. If you change the VC mode, you will see a event in you history windows (see attached picture).
In the commands itself you can insert a action which send data over UDP,TCP or whatever you want to a other programm like Eventghost or to your home automation which switch a LED in different colours.
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