Everyone cannot be pleased at the same time, I guess
I don't really see why not. We can and in many cases do have the best of both worlds. In any case VC is not and never will be for dummies. We can try to make it as user friendly as possible but this should not hurt programmers. I will always put functionality first, and you can basically do anything you want in python if it is not already possible in the core program or a plugin.
Just so we are all clear, going back to the original topic. There is not, nor has there ever been any ambiguity in the way that times are defined in the VC.SetEventTimer action. You may use a 24 hour clock or a 12 hour clock as long as you format it correctly. Both methods are correct and precise. In the last public release it was simply not set up to automatically add 24 hours if you specified a time that was before the current time. I have already added this functionality and it will be in the next VC2 update once it gets uploaded.
You should also know, in case you are not aware that the event will not be triggered every day. It is a one time thing, so if you want it to automatically repeat every day you need to add another call to set the event timer in your triggered command.