Ok, I have a basic VC XBMC config done.
Here are two short videos, which demonstrate some of the features.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=crjk2JjBzDIwww.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcBkjF2Mi0cYou must have the RoboBrowser plugin in VC enabled to use this animated face.
You can import the groups step by step within the VC command editor (open a second window in the editor, drag and drop each group in the other command tree whilst pressing the "control" button).
I recommend a fresh
basic VC installion in a new VC folder to get save and then you can easily overwrite the "voicecommands.xml" with the attached voicecommands.xml by copying it in the VC mainfolder.
Copy the humantouch2.xml in the VC payload folder. There is a group which is called "needs to do" - you must change in the first two commands (listen watch... / player select) the path to your XBMC.
The third attachment is standalone group for the animated face with RoboB.
I hope this will work for you, have fun.
PS: let me know how it works and if you figured any other feature out, please share it with us