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Messages - Kalle

Pages: 1 ... 145 146 [147] 148 149 ... 154
I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version 0.86
« on: December 05, 2010, 10:02:57 PM »

it is possible in the new version, add a command to restart?

General Discussion / Re: Donation
« on: December 05, 2010, 09:24:24 PM »

I see here in the forum many of our guests, but few sign up. Maybe you should limit the test version in time or they just upload here in the forum. I think interest in the software exists, but only want it the most free. too bad, the software has a great future.


General Discussion / Re: VoxCommando Challenge #1 - Icons
« on: December 05, 2010, 09:14:44 PM »
128x128 or larger is good.  You don't need to do more than one size.  I think the web site will automatically create all the smaller sizes automatically inside the icon file... (I hope)

Ok James,

i am on work  :'(  , I change it in the next few hours  ;D


here we go  ;D

What is a good microphone for speech recognition? / Re: Amulet Voice Remote
« on: December 05, 2010, 08:50:51 PM »
Thanks for the reply regarding waking from standby/hibernation.  Sorry if this is the wrong forum to discuss this, but I could not find on the aumulet website how many components can be controlled by amulet and is it a learning remote?  Are there preconfigured componet downloads as in the harmony type remotes?  Seems like a great product and I am on the verge of buying one.

Hi mclough6,

here is the answer of your question "is it a learning remote?" from this topic:

3 - it includes a good quality MCE infrared remote with back-lit buttons.  There are a few buttons that can "learn" codes and be used to control your tv volume etc. and the rest can be remapped if you want, using eventGhost.  Thus, properly configured this one device could theoretically replace all your microphones and remotes, especially if you have a MCE receiver capable of re-blasting ir signals to other devices.  I am actually waiting for an IR receiver to arrive in the mail so I have not tested this aspect of the remote but I assume it will be fine.

Greetings Kalle


I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version 0.84
« on: December 05, 2010, 05:11:43 PM »
no i'm running one instance of VC, i changed the path of the .wav fields to a diffrent sound, but it still makes the same sound..
i have tested this with version 0.853, 0.845, 0.842 and 0.833
all of them giving the same result for me.

i also noticed that when i launch VC (or i set it in green mode) the volume turns up a little, when i set it in OFF mode (red mode) my volume turns down a little.
is this normal?, tested on the following versions: 0.853, 0.845, 0.842 and 0.833

edit:  am i the only one with this problem?

Hi Diabl0570,

I tried it with my version 0833, 0845, 0851 and 0853 and have no problems that can replace the sound. If you deleted the sound files or move them, you should no longer heard.
Did I understand correctly that you hear the sounds anyway? Delete the complete VC-Folder, and reinstall Vers.0853, don't forget to save any changes in VC.
I have some questions:

1.- all soundsettings in Windows 7 or Vista works correctly (play music, record wav-files from mic)
2.- what other applications run in backround (Firewall, Zonealarm, ...)
3.- VC is running as Admin?

Greetings Kalle

General Discussion / Re: VoxCommando Challenge #1 - Icons
« on: December 05, 2010, 03:31:15 PM »
Nice!  Thanks Kalle.

Now I have to think about this.  I was only thinking of replacing the icon used to launch, VoxCommando, not to replace the icons used to indicate on, off and standby.  If it is possible, maybe I can make this a user configurable option.

Since the size of icons is often quite small, I think I would prefer to have versions without the extra text at the top.  In my sample I thought I could get away with using XBMC since it is short enough to be visible even when small.

that's just my opinion though.  Some people may use giant desktop icons on their systems!

Hi James,

i change this, no problem  ;) What size you need? 128x128 and 256x256 is ok?


General Discussion / Re: VoxCommando Challenge #1 - Icons
« on: December 05, 2010, 05:35:38 AM »
I often have many version of VoxCommando on my task bar at once, and it would be nice to have icons that help me know which is which.

Attached is a zip with a bunch of icons and png files in it.  If anyone is up for a challenge, I would like to see icons that combine the VC microphone with the icons from other programs like XBMC and MediaMonkey.  A monkey hanging off a microphone?

If you create a png with transparency, an easy way to turn it into an icon is with this free website:

Here is an example:

Hi James,
here is the WMC and MM-edition as PNG (sorry here the New Version with ICONS and JPG)

Greetings Kalle

General Discussion / Re: Commands and phrases file
« on: December 03, 2010, 06:21:58 PM »
anyway, I will try to figure something out.  I will either show the first one or two, or I will select randomly form the possible phrases.

James, I tried it again with a pivot table in Excel and see, make sure it does not make sense, 383 lines for media monkey and WMC is just too much. There is no point thinking about it.


General Discussion / Re: Commands and phrases file
« on: December 03, 2010, 05:19:04 PM »
Hi James,

you're right, the list is very long. It easier to insert more phrases in the commands, so that more users (my family) can use this simple command, without which they need to look at a piece of paper, as I have deposited the commands. Sometimes I know my own phrases, but more often we use VC, we quickly learn the commands.


General Discussion / Re: Commands and phrases file
« on: December 03, 2010, 12:01:01 PM »
yes, but when we say "what can I say: mediamonkey"

what will we actually see?  That is what I am asking.

I am not sure what you mean by
", better would be a small window on the side."

We want see: comannds + the phrases of the commands when we say "what can I say for MediaMonkey", here a example:

name "MM Basic" +command "stop"+ phrases "stop music, musik aus, anhalten, stop playback "
MM Basic - stop - stop music, musik aus, anhalten, stop playback
MM Basic - play - play, abspielen, wiedergeben

and so on,  in a extra popup window in a Table

and the same, when we say "what can I say for WMC"

name "WMC Button" +command "stop"+ phrases "stop music, musik aus, anhalten, stop playback "
WMC Button - stop - stop music, musik aus, anhalten, stop playback
WMC Button - play - play, abspielen, wiedergeben


General Discussion / Re: Commands and phrases file
« on: December 03, 2010, 10:57:23 AM »
It would be good if the command + phrases from the "voicecommand.xml" would be extracted.
Example: see picture below

At best, only rows in which a phrase is.
I am familiar with databases, unfortunately not, but I think something might work similar to the command "generateXML" only in reverse "ExtractXML".
The only question would be how it will be shown? For OSD, it would be too many commands, better would be a small window on the side.
I think this can be extended very far, it should not be too complicated.
An ideal command would be: "what can I say for MediaMonkey" and I get all the commands with phrases for MediaMonkey displayed in a new small window on the side. ("What can I say" is the phrase, and MediaMonkey is a payload which still WMC, XBMC and so on has.
I hope you understand what I mean, for me it is difficult to find the right words. :bonk


General Discussion / Commands and phrases file
« on: December 03, 2010, 05:36:57 AM »
Hi James,
I still have some suggestions for the next versions of VC.

Is it possible to insert a button or a command in VC, that write all commands with phrases in a text file (notepad or Wordpad) or open a Window or show as OSD?
So I have a complete overview of the commands. (Or learn to look up the commands). Similar to Windows 7, the voice command: "What can I say"


I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version 0.86
« on: December 03, 2010, 05:17:34 AM »
Hi James,

I think a Christmas gift for the hard work is due. Look to your Paypal account. Reached at least for a few pizzas and some beer for a long time one or another long night for programming.

Greetings Kalle

« on: December 01, 2010, 09:28:38 AM »
ok, downloaded


« on: November 30, 2010, 01:52:30 PM »
James and Kalle,

Update skin aeon-MQ2

Download this new folder 720p - 333 KB

After delete the contents actual folder 720p in this patch

winzip new version 720p in this path



thanks :)


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