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Commands and phrases file
« on: December 03, 2010, 05:36:57 AM »
Hi James,
I still have some suggestions for the next versions of VC.

Is it possible to insert a button or a command in VC, that write all commands with phrases in a text file (notepad or Wordpad) or open a Window or show as OSD?
So I have a complete overview of the commands. (Or learn to look up the commands). Similar to Windows 7, the voice command: "What can I say"

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Re: Commands and phrases file
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2010, 09:46:50 AM »
Yes, this is something I have been thinking about for a while.  In the end I will probably do more than one of these.  I was also thinking that it would be nice if we could create a separate application (possibly in WPF or Flash) that could display random commands across the screen, kind of like how the iPhone does it.  I will try to think of how to do this in its most basic form.

How would you imagine a text file for print-out looking, based on a typical command tree?  The concept is not so simple.  Do we show the command name, or just the phrases?  What do we do with payload xml files?  Do we just show a random phrase?

Consider the MM command play artist:
Code: [Select]
<command name="Play Artist  &lt;Artist&gt;" enabled="true" confirm="False" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0">
            <phrase>Play Artist</phrase>
            <payloadFromXML phraseOnly="true">mmPayloads\mmArtists.xml</payloadFromXML>

How should the help look?


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Re: Commands and phrases file
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2010, 10:57:23 AM »
It would be good if the command + phrases from the "voicecommand.xml" would be extracted.
Example: see picture below

At best, only rows in which a phrase is.
I am familiar with databases, unfortunately not, but I think something might work similar to the command "generateXML" only in reverse "ExtractXML".
The only question would be how it will be shown? For OSD, it would be too many commands, better would be a small window on the side.
I think this can be extended very far, it should not be too complicated.
An ideal command would be: "what can I say for MediaMonkey" and I get all the commands with phrases for MediaMonkey displayed in a new small window on the side. ("What can I say" is the phrase, and MediaMonkey is a payload which still WMC, XBMC and so on has.
I hope you understand what I mean, for me it is difficult to find the right words. :bonk

« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 11:46:02 AM by Kalle »
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Re: Commands and phrases file
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2010, 11:37:11 AM »
yes, but when we say "what can I say: mediamonkey"

what will we actually see?  That is what I am asking.

I am not sure what you mean by
", better would be a small window on the side."


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Re: Commands and phrases file
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2010, 12:01:01 PM »
yes, but when we say "what can I say: mediamonkey"

what will we actually see?  That is what I am asking.

I am not sure what you mean by
", better would be a small window on the side."

We want see: comannds + the phrases of the commands when we say "what can I say for MediaMonkey", here a example:

name "MM Basic" +command "stop"+ phrases "stop music, musik aus, anhalten, stop playback "
MM Basic - stop - stop music, musik aus, anhalten, stop playback
MM Basic - play - play, abspielen, wiedergeben

and so on,  in a extra popup window in a Table

and the same, when we say "what can I say for WMC"

name "WMC Button" +command "stop"+ phrases "stop music, musik aus, anhalten, stop playback "
WMC Button - stop - stop music, musik aus, anhalten, stop playback
WMC Button - play - play, abspielen, wiedergeben

« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 12:14:52 PM by Kalle »
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Re: Commands and phrases file
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2010, 12:26:39 PM »
remember, whatever I do, it needs to work for every type of commands.

in some cases we can have a command like

play (artist,band,group,composer) (payload songs.xml)


go (payload directions.xml) (payload range for distance)

some users might do something crazy like

(play,queue,start,listen to,begin playback of) (song,track,title,ditty,recording) (payload songs.xml) using program (payload list) on monitor (payload devices.xml) and set volume to (payload range for volume)

it is possible, and there is no limit, they could put even more if they want.

So I need to figure out how this will be displayed, and what I will put in the place of (payload xml values)

I guess, the simplest solution to start with is to replace any kind of payload with a generic symbol like this <...>

Later I could replace payload range with <#..#> and payload list with <ABC,DEF>

Also, in the case of simple phrases, the user might decide to use a very long list of words separated by commas (play,queue,start,listen to,begin playback of).  I need to be able to deal with this.  Do I show them all?  If we put a command on a single line, the command could end up being very very long...  Our window will need to scroll horizontally for long commands, and vertically to support many commands in a group.

The challenge is to make something that will work for everyone, no matter how they set up their voicecommands.  I have to think about all these things before I start.  If I make something that only works for a specific situation, and then I need to "fix" it to work with other situations, it becomes far too much work.


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Re: Commands and phrases file
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2010, 05:19:04 PM »
Hi James,

you're right, the list is very long. It easier to insert more phrases in the commands, so that more users (my family) can use this simple command, without which they need to look at a piece of paper, as I have deposited the commands. Sometimes I know my own phrases, but more often we use VC, we quickly learn the commands.

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Re: Commands and phrases file
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2010, 05:38:09 PM »
anyway, I will try to figure something out.  I will either show the first one or two, or I will select randomly form the possible phrases.


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Re: Commands and phrases file
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2010, 06:21:58 PM »
anyway, I will try to figure something out.  I will either show the first one or two, or I will select randomly form the possible phrases.

James, I tried it again with a pivot table in Excel and see, make sure it does not make sense, 383 lines for media monkey and WMC is just too much. There is no point thinking about it.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 06:27:05 PM by Kalle »
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