ChangeLog version 2 archives
Older version 2 change log entries are here. For most recent changes, see the main ChangeLog.
- 1 Version (RC1)
- 2 Version
- 3 Version
- 4 Version
- 5 Version
- 6 Version
- 7 Version
- 8 Version
- 9 Version
- 10 Version
- 11 Version
- 12 Version
- 13 Version
- 14 Version
- 15 Version
- 16 Version
- 17 Version
- 18 Version
- 19 Version
- 20 Version
- 21 Version
Version (RC1)
New Core Actions
- Results.MatchToMap see: Actions#MatchToMap
- Results.MatchToXML see: Actions#MatchToXML
New Features in Python plugin
- Drastically improved script editor for the Iron Python plugin window.
- Code highlighting, line number, multiple undo, and more thanks to Scintilla control.
- Automatically interprets tab key as four spaces, normalizing indentation and generally making indent levels easier.
- Improved file handling, recent files list, and automatically loads last file into editor on startup.
- Improved error handling for both compilation and runtime errors.
Plugin for Philips Hue
- New Plugin for Philips Hue lights.
- Currently in early development.
- Big thanks to VC community members: Casmo, keithj69, Mirac78, and SuperKronz, whose generous plugin pledges covered the majority of the Philips Hue hardware costs.
Bug Fixes
- xJson OSD setting not saved.
- TTS Talking head, viseme fix for visemes 19 and 20.
- Scrape.Put change setting to increase speed in some cases.
New Core Sound.* actions
Microphone actions (performed on default input used by VC):
- Sound.MicMute
- Sound.MicUnmute
- Sound.MicSetVol
Bug fixes
- GgCal plugin variable fix.
- VC.Pause now accepts variable {} values.
Plugin interface
Various changes and additions to the plugin interface including
- Plugins can now register themselves to the "GenXML" menu on the main window. (note not all plugins have been updated to use this)
New actions for JRiver plugin
- JRiver.SoftMute
- JRiver.SoftUnmute
New Features in Python plugin
- Further improved script editor for the Iron Python plugin window.
- Added File > New & File > Reinitialize Python to editor menu.
Improvements to Hue plugin
- New setting: Minimum delay between commands sent to the bridge
- Changes to actions Hue.RotateLeft and Hue.RotateRight. Rotates light colours (hue and saturation only) among a list of lights.
(A list of integers separated by commas, which specify the IDs of the lights you want to use.)
- Changes to actions Hue.Store and Hue.Restore to improve speed
- New actions to create and activate scenes.
NEW RegEx Tool
Addition of a new core feature RegEx Tool to help users experiment and find correct RegEx patterns and identify matches.
Currently, can be accessed via the main File menu.
NEW Belkin Wemo plugin
First release of the plugin. Simple + easy to use.
- UPNP detection of devices (no need for user to specify IP address or ports)
- Switching devices on and off using Name or Serial #
- Generate XML with names and serial numbers.
NEW Watcher plugin
Monitors a folder for creation of new files which can either generate events, or be read and processed as actions according to the VoxCommando action API.
Added a new Philips Hue preset configuration for VoxCommando with a special command set and useful payload XML files to get you started. Currently in English only.
New Core Advanced.* actions
VC Options-related actions:
- VcAdvanced.GetOption - Attempts to return the current value of *almost* any option variable.
- VcAdvanced.SetOption - Temporarily override various VC option settings.
Bug fixes
- Fixed VC.SetOption "RequiredConfidence" bug. Now expects integer value between 1-100 (previously was 0.0 to 1.0).
- Small fixes to new RegEx Tool.
- Now you can access certain plugins within the LCB (top right) - in particular, the new Hue plugin. This makes it easier to test out light settings and then drag those setting values from plugin window directly into your actions.
- Also added button to open RegEx Tool, next to Map button.
Hue Plugin
- Updated plugin now includes group and scene editors, in addition to light editor.
- BIG NEWS: It is no longer necessary to restart the program after enabling new plugins. Just click "save options" and the new plugin should be loaded.
- We can now access payload xml editor from Main > File menu.
New loop block
- New loop block function in the LCB allows you to loop multiple actions within a command. The loop can iterate from a start value to an end value, accessible in each iteration as the variable {j}.
MediaMonkey plugin update
- Updated MediaMonkey plugin to generate xml for songs by artist (MMSongByArtist.xml) and song by album (MMSongByAlbum.xml) only for duplicate titles (users can choose how they want song xml generated within plugin settings). See this forum thread for some context.
New actions for Group states (enable/disable/store)
Storing and restoring sets of groups as enabled/disabled, and an action to enable a single group while disabling all others. New actions will be something like:
- Group.StoreState (param1: name of state)
- Group.RestoreState (param1: name of saved state to restore groups to)
- Group.SoloRegEx (param1: pattern - groups matching the pattern will be enabled, groups not matching will be disabled)
Skype Plugin New Actions
- Skype.Settings.*
- GetAudioIn
- SetAudioIn
- GetVideoIn
- SetVideoIn
- SetAEC
- SetAGC
- SetAutoAway
- SetAvatar
Core program
- Switching to .Net 4.5. Some users may need to install this if they don't have it already.
- Spanish configuration for XBMC Gotham added, thanks to Rafael (R91).
Kinect Audio Streaming
- Experimenting with Kinect audio streams:
- beam forming
- acoustic echo cancellation
- etc.
- TCP plugin simple web server improvements
- Total re-write of code for the web server feature
- Improvements to socket communication
- Support of both GET and POST commands
- Support of simple HTML pages (installation comes with an example)
New core action to control the fade time and opacity of the overlay icon
Overrides the default parameters for the dimming of the status overlay icon.
- Parameters: 3
- FadeDelay : milliseconds to remain at full opacity [integer]
- DimmedOpacity : Opacity when dimmed (0-100) [integer]
- FullOpacity : Opacity when not dimmed (0-100) [integer]
Core program bug fixes
- Group.Rebuild bug with duplicate events being created
- Group.Rebuild bug with prefix being lost
- Kinect audio streaming. Bug fixing and further improvements
- Tree editor adjustments for editing large number of groups
Hue Plugin
- Bug fixes and better discovery, connection and authorization in plugin settings
Core program bug fixes or changes
- Confirmation auto-cancel timer was not resetting for subsequent confirmation commands
- Empty groups (no commands) will not be loaded in the main program, and so will not show any errors. They will still appear in the tree editor.
MAJOR UPDATE: Command tree editor
- Fixed problem when loading tree editor with large configurations (starting at about 80 groups or more depending on the size of groups)
- Improved search function will show all items found in a clickable list with icons
- Improved tree sorting at group/collection level and at command level
- New Addition : Group Collections
- Group Collections allow you to organize your groups.
- Currently they have no impact on the function of the main program
- Can contain only groups
- Groups can still exist at the root of the tree. They don't have to be in a collection
New icons
- All icons are slightly larger and this gives the tree a bit more breathing room, although fewer items will fit in a window of the same size
- More consistent and fresh look to the icons; these are conceptually similar to the originals except:
- Group collection is a completely new item with a new icon (a filing cabinet because it holds many groups, which are shown as a file folder)
- Group icon is still a yellow folder but it shows that it contains a command icon
- Command icon as been changed from a lightning bolt, to a word bubble containing gears.
The idea is to show that a command is made up of both the input elements (speech bubbles) and the actions that are executed (gears)
- Click here to view a: comparison chart of old to new icons.
New Audio Plugin
New audio output plugin. Allows you to play audio files and to specify which audio output to use. Supported formats: wav, mp3, wma, avi
Core program bug fixes or changes
- Fixed error message when opening the LCB window (to edit a specific command) reported here:
- Bug in which dictation payloads were being saved as payload lists has also been fixed.
- Error when importing VcGrp_GroupName.xml files to tree has been fixed.
Core program bug fixes or changes
- Extra logging for action results and errors.
- Warning on startup if .Net 4.5 is not installed
Core program
- Fix: Activation system was not showing the correct message when too many machines were already activated on the user's license.
- JRiver preset configuration in French (beta)
JRiver Plugin
- New action to set target zone
TTSMS Plugin
- Fix: Correctly setting default audio output for voices on start-up, based on saved options
- Added features from regular TTS plugin such as talking head.
- Fix: Bug when checking for.Net 4.5 on Windows 8.1 systems. See:
Google Calendar Plugin
- Re-created GgCal (Google Calendar) plugin to use Google v3 api.
Core Program
- New Kodi Helix configuration. Currently in English, German, and French (commands not 100% tested in each translation).
X10 Plugin
- Extended functionality for the X10 plugin. New actions:
- X10.SendRf
- X10.QueryPlc
- X10.SendAny (Lets you use a command type other than SendRf and SendPlc; see action description)
Core Program
- Updated translations in French-language UI. (Still more work to do!)
- Fix: Bug in action Result.MatchToEvent, where optional <MaxEvents> parameter was being ignored.
- Fix: Bug when checking for .Net 4.5. Early release versions of .Net 4.5 (such as RTM) were incorrectly triggering the .Net 4.5 warning. Still, those who are using 4.5 RTM should probably update to 4.5.1 or later to be safe.
- Added new actions:
RoboBrowser Plugin
Completely revamped RoboBrowser web page inspection interface. Hit ctrl key while hovering over a page to show and highlight specific html elements. Element nodes are also displayed in a complementary tree structure to clarify parent/child relationships. It's now much easier to copy and paste element data from the inspection window to actions in the LCB. Actions remain the same.
Philips Hue Plugin
- Fix: Bug where certain types of lights were causing an unhandled exception error when trying to edit lights in the plugin settings.
Core Program
- Updates to the command-level Profile Training Tool (accessed by right-clicking on a specific command).
- NEW: VC.StopEventTimer action. Core action to cancel and remove previously set event timers based on event name.
- NEW: MediaBrowser 3 plugin.
- xJson.dll update to handle a "duplicate error" event that was being generated with Kodi Helix (XBMC).
- xJson.dll new feature: "Change event prefix"
- Updated DxInput plugin settings to make it easier to compose DxInput key press actions.
Core Program
- Improved .Net detection for W10.
- Fixed: LCB bug where map variables could not be directly dragged into A/B evaluation fields.
- Fixed: Optional payloadXML doesn't stay italicized bug.
- Fixed: Other small bugs pointed out on the forum and otherwise.
- New setting in options menu: Max no. payload items before warning about too large payloadXML is generated. Default is 25,000.
- Update: Help Show Enabled will now show currently enabled command groups. (Previously showed groups enabled on launch & did not update.)
- Maps: Added map import function. Share your maps between configs or with other users.
- 3 new core actions
- Tools.Unescape (Unescapes html strings so that characters starting with & and ending with ; are converted to the correct text characters.) NOTE: Deprecated & replaced by 2 separate actions in
- Tools.EncodeBase64 (Converts {LastResult} or <PlainText> into a base 64 string)
- Mouse.GetXY (Gets current mouse position)
- Hook plugin: New mouse hook options (event generation for right/middle/left button down & up, as well as mouse click and middle wheel movement)
- New Skype plugin actions, per Haddood's request.
- Continuing to improve RoboB Investigator functions, and 2 new actions:
- RoboB.GetURL. Returns the current URL for the current RoboBrowser window.
- RoboB.GetRoboList. Returns a list of all active RoboBrowser names, either as one list or as a set of matches.
- JRiver plugin: JRiver.SearchPlay and other JRiver query-based actions will now URL-encode the character # to %23 automatically.
- Python plugin: Updated IronPython to the fairly recent 2.7.5 release. We're hoping this will resolve some of the problems evident in the past with certain modules.
Core Program
- Changes to core program to support VoxWav Pro's new "prefix" feature.
- Update to TellVoxCommando.exe to support accented (utf-8) characters.
- Update to scrape actions:
- More detailed error reporting/response feedback on http requests added.
- New core actions:
- VcAdvanced.SaveRecoWav. Records voice command input as a wav file.
- Tools.Decode.URI. Decode (unescape) encoded URLs.
- Tools.Decode.HTML. Decode (unescape) encoded HTML pages. Especially useful when scraping web pages.
Vera Plugin (Major Update)
- Better support for UI7 home/away mode etc.
- New Vera.Get.HouseMode action for retrieving home/away status.
- New actions for setting any variable.
- New actions for working with "MultiSwitch" plugin.
- Completely new event system.
- Almost any variable change can generate an event.
- Better handling of scene request and scene complete events.
- Customization of which variables are monitored.
Special thanks to VC supporter AgileHumor for his generous hardware contribution.
TcpMic Plugin
- Updates to support new features in VoxWav Pro 2.7.1
Core Program
- Improved: Results.MatchToEvent includes submatches as payloads (first payload is Match.1 second is Match 1.1 3rd is Match 1.2 etc.
- Improved: Map.Query action returns multiple matches with submatches for key and value.
- Fixed: bug in Map.ExportPayloadXML not always using subsetmatching when asked.
- Improved: Map.ExportPayloadXML allows optional parameter to filter what gets exported (where clause).
- New core actions:
- VC.GetProfile (returns the name of the currently active trained speech profile)
- VcAdvanced.Show: Restore main VC windows from notification area
- VcAdvanced.Hide: Hide main VC window (minimize to notification area)
- Default configurations:
- Added some new commands to the default XBMC Helix (English) configuration.
- Minor changes to the default configuration for MediaMonkey
Hook Plugin Updated And Removed From Installer
Hook plugin is now an optional download to prevent VC being tagged as a virus by Kaspersky and possibly other AV software. Explanation: Because the Hook plugin can listen to global keyboard and mouse input it *could* be used as "keylogger" but only if the user configures it that way! The plugin can be downloaded from the Main VC menu under "Plugins" or by downloading it here:
- Hook plugin: added new payloads to mouse events.
- Caption of window under mouse
- Class name of window under mouse
NEW Sonos Plugin
- Sonos Plugin currently in alpha stage. Works well but expect bugs and expect to see changes in upcoming releases.
- Extra documentation, demos and tutorial videos will probably have to wait until June 15th or later.
Watcher Plugin
- Complete overhaul of the Watcher plugin
- Multiple watchers can be created to either generate events or read actions from a text file.
- A watcher can optionally scan subfolders.
- A watcher can optionally delete the file after processing.
xMySQL Plugin
- Fixed: xMySQL plugin -- Correct capitalization in default database names (check if applied correctly to all preset configs?)
TTS Plugin
- New plugin action TTS.SetRate. See
TCP Plugin
- Improved: TCP simple web server: Now supports .wav and .mp3 file types (needs testing!)
MediaMonkey Plugin
- MM plugin -- minor adjustment to MM.DoubleUp action to remove artists with only one track in library.
Core Program
- Dll cleaner when upgrading will now run windowless, and will not delete dlls for the Hook plugin.
- If you use custom dlls be sure to back them up before running the cleaner.
- Fixed a bug with Tools.Decode.HTML. Will now properly decode as per the action description.
- Added support for sending email attachments when using SMTP.Send action.
NEW -- Payloads without phrases
- Commands will now work if they contain only a payload (payloadXML or payloadList) with no phrase or with only optional phrases.
- PayloadXML will now allow payloads with duplicate values. Previously the second payload would be ignored if a payload already existed with that value. By allowing duplicate values, we can have alternative phrases for a given payload while still using subset matching.
RoboBrowser Plugin
- Fixed RoboB browser keyboard focus issue. When using RoboB.Show the RoboB window will now be brought to the front and focused, and keyboard focus will be given to the web browser so that keyboard emulation can be used to control it.
- Added direct support for scrolling within RoboB windows. (new actions)
- RoboB.ScrollTo
- RoboB.ScrollRelative
Sonos Plugin
- Added Tracks and Composer to GenXML
TTS Plugin
- New actions for TTS visualizations ("talking head").
- TTS.SetTransRGB
- TTS.SetOpacity
Core Program
- Fixed VC.SetProfile. In previous versions, profile changes might not have taken effect until after a full restart. Now it should hopefully apply the changes immediately. There is a delay while all groups are loaded into a new speech engine. A new engine is required in order to make the new profile active.
- Fixed Scrape.Post action's ability to report certain errors correctly.
- Installer now applies a registry patch that enables RoboBrowser to use the latest installed version of Internet Explorer.
Python Plugin
- Reinitializing the PY plugin will set a "die" variable named killPy to true. This can be used to end threaded loops.
Watcher Plugin
Added new event triggers for
- File changed
- File renamed
- File deleted