wget use -- for long params, and - for short ones (confusing). You should've used the one I sent (changing the rate), but it is good you figured it out.
Sorry for not being clear.
Two examples:
1). Payload with lots of items, but lets say that some of them are:
Name Two
Name Three
They have the prefix (Name), but differ in the end part (Two, Three). If I do a command with this payload file, and say a command with the name "Name", it will pick the first one for sure. Is there is a way to get a list of all possible options (Name, Name Two, Name Three), instead of assuming it is the exactly matching one. And how to access each one of them, like when you talked about expanding {LastResult}
2). This time we have two payload files. One for the items, and another for categories. The items file can have one item name appearing more than once (but with different value). Each item belong to a category (from the category file), and this is why there might be two or more files with the same name, but with different category. Is it possible to implement such approach with payloads files?
If so, how do you handle it in VC, so that you can say item A from category B, or item A from category C and get that specific item value to use it in further commands. Or you say item A, and if it is unique (one item), it will return the item value right away. If it is not unique, it will give you the list of possible category, and then decide about the item value to return. It is really hard to explain even if I explained it in my own language