With a small VBScript you can let your computer calculating some arithmetic exercises.
Here is my approach:
I want to tell her (my computer) the exercise like "how much is 70 divided by 12" or "how much is 12 minus 19"
Voxcommando can handle this structure very easily:
see picture1, I defined the starting phrase "vieviel ist" (how mich is), then a payload range for the numbers (1 to 1000), then a payload xml-file for the operators (see picture2) and then again a payload range for the second number
Payload for operators:
Here is the VBScript:
' read the command line options
' e.g. 5 + 3
Dim message,sapi,parameter,objarguments
set sapi = CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objarguments = WScript.Arguments
For i = 0 to objarguments.Count - 1
parameter= parameter + " " + objarguments(i)
message = " das macht " & eval(parameter)
sapi.Speak message
Last but not least tell VoxCommando to lauch the calculating VBScript with the three parameters (see Picture3)
OK, that's it, have fun!