Here is a VC group for xbmc, that need a cofirmation to set the volume in xbmc with a little bit of logic.
What do this command?
When you say: "your prefix" and "set volume (XYZ)" (XYZ range is: 10,20,30...100) -> mute xbmc and say "are you sure to set volume to XYZ?" you can confirm with "your prefix" and "Yes" or what you are setting in VC-Options to confirm a command.
If you confirm, VC set volume to the value, and answer with "volume set to XYZ percent" an unmute xbmc. Over 90 percent, it give you a warning!
Have fun
PS: I have tested this command with VC 0.936/38 and recreate for easier handling in logic
You can used also with other language, but you must edit the phrases and the text in the command