I am just thinking about what you actually want to do here.
if you want to trigger a voxCommand at a certain time of day the best way (currently) to do it is probably to create an item in windows task scheduler.
In windows 7 do the following:
-Open windows task scheduler
-Create a basic task, give it a name, click next
-choose daily, click next
-choose a time, click next
-choose "start a program"
-enter the path (browse) to udpsender.exe (* see below)
-where it says "add arguments" type this: 33000 "event&&testevent"
33000 is the default port that VC listens on.
You can replace testevent with another name but you must keep the "event&&"
example: 33000 "event&&timer.wakeup"
* udpsender is included in the "extras" download which you can get here:
http://voxcommando.com/downloads.aspNow just create a command and assign it a matching event (in this case it would be called "testevent" or whatever you called it in your udpsender parameter.
This is pretty cool.
I will probably make a wiki guide at some point with images, or maybe a video tutorial.
Another way to do this would be to use timers in eventGhost and send a command to VC using the broadcaster plugin. I am planning on adding a timer plugin to VC but it will probably be quite a while before I get around to it.