Im looking for Home Theater front end that control everything with vox.(QueryMusicDatabase, QueryVideoDatabase,Auto update library ,etc)
I tried Mediaportal,XBMC,WMC
I think XBMC has the best chance of doing it all directly from VC. For more sophistocated control however, you will probably still need to use eventGhost. This is because
1 - eventGhost allows you to create complex macros that can do a sequence of things based on a single command. I am not planning on doing this with VC.
2 - eventGhost is developped by a large number of people and has many many plugins developped and new ones appearing all the time. So if makes sense to take advantage of all this power instead of reinventing the wheel.
with that said, I still hope to get as much ease of use and power out of VC as I can so that newbies can get up and running very quickly and easily with certain programs, like XBMC, WMC, iTunes, and maybe mediaMonkey. Then if they need more power and control for lighting systems, controlling their TV and stereo etc... they can take the next step to EventGhost. And hopefully there will be people like you around that can help them do it!
I try to think of VoxCommando as a
very powerful remote. It is not an event controller / scheduler etc.