Author Topic: Version 0.871  (Read 12264 times)

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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2011, 06:08:47 PM »
I'm not sure what you are actually doing when you are "turning your screen off", or how you are accomplishing it, but Vox has a command that basically puts the "monitor" to sleep (as it would when the system sleeps or is off).  You could try using that instead of calling the intelliremote command and see if it works without crashing.  Or maybe you are blasting an IR signal to turn your TV off, in which case Vox has no such function.

You could also use eventGhost instead of intelliremote, but I'm sure that would be a huge amount of work to get everything the way you like, so I understand why you'd not want to do that.

As a test, I guess you could try to recreate your sequence of events, but with some other varations to see the minimum that needs to be done to get it to crash.  It's risky I guess since it could mean having to restore from Acronis again.  Does it matter what mode Vox is in?  Can you recreate it without actually running mediaMonkey?  Does it matter if you disable monkey tunes etc.

I would appreciate it if you could at least verify that your Launch commands are no longer firing with the new version, when in off mode.  Note that Vox can still execute commands when in off mode, but only the ones that it receives via udp broadcasts.  It shouldn't do anything by itself, or based on the microphone.


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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2011, 03:27:58 PM »
Sorry for this late reply, i'm in the middle of my exams (which also explains why my last reply was unclear).
What I meant to say was that right now the VC focus only works for the programs in the focus list. If one wants to focus more than the 5 programs that are in that list by default, he has to add them manually. I would suggest function so VC automatically adds focused programs (this would happen when you're using windows, and VC is on) that aren't in the focus list yet. Maybe you could also make this work with the "launch program" voice command, but I reckon that'll be harder to program as VC needs the correct program path.

After my previous reply, and before I read you're reply to it, I was thinking how you could use the focus list to make a certain command group work only when that program was focused. And that VC should be able to use different prefixes for specific command groups, but looks like you were ahead of me and already put it in this version! :D

So I've been playing with this latest version and I've got to say: Kudos to you James! I can really control XBMC, MM, and useful computer commands to fully control my media. I can't think of anything that you could add media wise (but hoping that you still have some surprises up your sleeve :p).


Thanks!. The bin is a place to store personal commands and I didn't want the patch to overwrite peoples bins, so I was just trying to put the core files in the patch.  There are probably a lot of other commands new and old floating around, I'm not even sure what was in the bin when I uploaded it!  I have so many versions on my various computers that I have lost track.
Maybe you could add a user bin(s) and a VC bin? The user bin being one where people can store their own commands and the VC would be a bin that housed all VC's commands you think every VC user should have and only you could edit it.

Other suggestions:
Something that I think that could make VC more popular is by adding support to more music players, like foobar and winamp.
Another idea I have, for the distant future in VC, is something that was also integrated with a dragon naturally speaking version i downloaded in the past. It was able to 'read' the text for links and buttons on web pages and windows programs, so you could more or less navigate links/buttons with your voice. It also had macro's that work with mouse control. This is possible in VC for the keyboard (like saying 'command 1' which activates shift tab for example) but mouse macro's (which uses mouse coordinates and right/left click commands) would be a great addition to this imo. Browser control in general would be pretty cool and useful I think :).
Do you plan on making VC a total computer control program in the future, e.g. for people with a handicap? or just stick to media control. Just being nosy and curious here, you probably haven't decided that yet :D


One thing I've noticed though is that when I've used that "turn off monitor" command, that my monitor is (seemingly) randomly activated. I've checked and it's not VC giving the command to turn it on again. However, I'm also certain I haven't touched the mouse or keyboard by mistake either. Any idea what could be causing that?

Also, I use a static IP so the IP I entered in the XBMC options tab is always correct. However, every couple of days, my internet (even my router access to stops working when I'm surfing the internet. I use windows 'automatic network fixer' to correct this, but I've noticed it automatically changes my internet options to automatic ip. Next system boot, I have to manually change the VC XBMC port IP to use my new network IP, or change my internet options back to static ip.
Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this? Maybe VC could just automatically scan for the XBMC ip. I think this would make VC more accessible for newbie users who don't really know where they can find their network IP and just want VC to work without to much hassle.


« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 03:46:41 PM by painy »


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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2011, 06:54:00 PM »
wow, long post.  You're going to make me work now aren't you?

I'm really not following you now about the focus.  First of all, there are two different kinds of focus in VC.  There is a focus action that you can use in a command macro.  You can use this to focus any program that is running.  Then there is the focus detection system, where the currently focused program will show up in the command history automatically whenever a new program gains focus.

If you want to be able to bring a program into focus with the focus command, you just need to use the process name as the parameter.  If you don't know the name of the process, you can
a) focus it, and the name will show up in the command history
b) look in the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Shift-Escape) which will show all your running processes.

now I think I am understanding better, and I don't want to automatically add all the running processes to the focus command.  For one thing, they are always changing and VC likes to know the commands in advance.  for another thing, there are many many processes running on your system and adding them all automatically will potentially cause problems with people accidentally focusing the wrong thing.  The focus command is sort of an advanced feature anyway, I don't see new users using it that much.

Group specific prefixes have been around for a while.

We will have more control soon as I add events.  You can use events to control focus volume etc. depending on what state the system is in...  not for beginners!

I am sure there will always be new surprises... :)  I even surprise myself sometimes...

The bin is just a place where you can drag stuff to and from your main tree.  You can open any command xml file there.  Notice there are 3 icons over the bin.  Save, Save-As and Load.  When you first open the editor it opens the "bin.xml" file by default, but you can open something else if you want to mix and match commands and groups from different configurations.  Just be careful, when you click "Save all" it will save the bin as well so if you dragged something out of the bin, dont' click save all unless you want it removed from the bin!

Eventually I would also like to have a WEB bin, that you can connect to which takes you to an online repository of commands.  There could be an area for "official" bins and an area for users bins, and we could categorize them by program and language.  One day............ but not today.

I can add only basic commands to winamp because there is no interface provided for move advanced functions.  I looked at foobar for a while.  There is nothing built in that would allow proper control over it.  I tried playing with some plugins for foobar that might add functionality similar to what we have for MM but I didn't get very far before I got frustrated.  If you want basic control for either of these programs you can do it with eventGhost, but I didn't want to clutter VC up with more stuff if I couldn't provide a decent feature set.  As far as getting new users goes.  There are millions of people using XMBC, iTunes, MediaMonkey etc.  They just need to know about Vox.  I think I need to work on features, simplicity of setup, and getting exposure, more than I need to be adding new programs.  At least for the time being.  I am already spread too thin.  I appreciate the suggestion though.

Features that were more aware of your web browser are interesting, if a little over my head at the moment, especially considering how many different browsers there are out there.  I would probably have to write separate code for each one.  Perhaps is a plugin in the browser itself could send info to VC?  For now I think it's too much work.  You can do a fair amount now with keyboard emulation (go back, open new tabs, search for anything etc.) and with plugins like "mouseless browsing" for firefox, you can actually click links by voice as well.

There is already quite a bit of support for mouse emulation in Vox.  Go look in the command builder!  If you click the wand icon, you will see a tree with all available macro actions.  You can right click, left click, move relative, move absolute, double click, drag etc.

I don't know about your monitor.  Something in your system is telling it that the monitor is asleep.  I'm using a typical system call to put the monitor to sleep, and there's really not much code in there that I can change.  Does it typically wake up right away, or after some time?

Are you using XBMC on the same computer as VC?  If so you should just use the ip address instead of the actual ip address, that way it will never change. basically means the ip of "this computer", and is sometimes called localhost.

I don't see a practical way that VC could automatically scan for XBMC's ip (other than sending out 256 webrequests), especially since you may have more than one instance of XBMC running on your LAN, but if I can figure it out, it would be nice to be able to use UNC names instead of IP addresses.  (i.e.  \\computername)

Phew!   I made it to the bottom .  Time to go make dinner.  ;D


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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2011, 08:43:03 PM »
I feel kinda bad for having made you write down so much :p
It cleared a lot of stuff up though. Really appreciate it.
The effort you put in responding to members really adds to the accessibility of this forum  ;D
I don't have all that much free time on my hands and it's easy to overlook interesting information on VC.

About that ip, haha, I feel stupid for not knowing that, i always wondered why you used such a weird standard ip but now that's clear!

That future bin sounds awesome!
I also think you're right about focusing on streamlining VC for a main audience, and than making it known to a more general public. Looking forward to 1.0

The monitor turns on on random moments, sometime immediately but usually after 5 to 30 minutes. I reckon it's because of disturbance in the force or something :P

Enjoy your dinner! Bed time here ;)
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 08:45:24 PM by painy »


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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2011, 09:04:14 PM »
I like answering good questions.  Hopefully others will benefit from the info.

I bet if you unplug your mouse and keyboard it would stop doing it (your monitor).  Most likely your mouse is picking up something subtle, or it could be some other change in your usb state that's doing it.  Or as you say, it could be the Midi-chlorians  :P


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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2011, 11:23:27 AM »
btw you can control foobar to some extent though their command line interface using launch commands like this:

VC.Launch    pathtofoobar2000.exe&&/command:Ahead by 5 seconds

here's a reference to available foobar commands:


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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2011, 11:13:49 AM »
the next release (0.872) will operate in demo mode (limited number of commands) until activated.

Would registered users (made a donation already - you know who you are) please email me the following information which you will need to activate:

a valid email address
a username

you can use anything you want for the username, but if you use your forum username it might make things easier.


you can send it to or to my personal email address if you know it.


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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2011, 08:20:39 PM »
I've gotten the link, but when I try activating VC it says "Please enter a valid email adress"  :(
What am I doing wrong?


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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2011, 08:47:48 PM »
sorry painy.  I cut and paste some email validation code and I think it's choking on one of your characters.

I will fix it tomorrow if I can.

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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #24 on: January 29, 2011, 03:02:50 AM »
sorry painy.  I cut and paste some email validation code and I think it's choking on one of your characters.

I will fix it tomorrow if I can.

That's why I call you guys my guinea pigs!

Hi James,
what I've missed? is there a new version?

Greetings Kalle
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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2011, 04:26:21 AM »

Yes, new version 0.872 -  version with ativaction, for me worked, send your username and e-mail for James, look instructions:

Would registered users (made a donation already - you know who you are) please email me the following information which you will need to activate:

a valid email address
a username

you can use anything you want for the username, but if you use your forum username it might make things easier.


you can send it to or to my personal email address if you know it.

James, one question about the activation:
Voxcommando activation is done once and used for all directories involved in a computer, or a process is being done in each directory where I have installed the vox? I have three different versions of voxcommando in the same computer, one to have a control XBMC, another directory with voxcommando controlling MediaMonkey and a third, which control Windows Media Center.
 I think when we have events, we can unify all these controls in a single directory, I know I could use a prefix to resolve this, and my list of commands is quite large, so do not know what is best left separate or unify?

« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 04:40:32 AM by Wanilton »
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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2011, 04:29:33 AM »

Yes, new version 0.872 -  test for ativaction, for me worked, send your username and e-mail for James, look instructions:

Would registered users (made a donation already - you know who you are) please email me the following information which you will need to activate:

a valid email address
a username

you can use anything you want for the username, but if you use your forum username it might make things easier.


you can send it to or to my personal email address if you know it.

Thanks Wanilton  ;D
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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2011, 09:34:51 AM »
That's why I call you guys my guinea pigs!
As long as we are kept warm, well fed (with updates) and groomed :D


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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2011, 10:54:04 AM »
you'll have to take care of the grooming yourself.  I can barely manage to groom myself.


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Re: Version 0.871
« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2011, 03:00:08 PM »
The new link you send me works like a charm :)