Hey DHHJ. I'm glad that checkbox did the trick.
First off, it sounds like you are new to EventGhost. You will love it, but you should get familiar with the basic concepts. check out the short manual here:
http://www.eventghost.org/wiki/Short%20ManualThere are two basic ways to send info to event ghost. One is by sending a basic event, the other is with a payload. Payloads are more complicated so for now, let's just look at a simple event.
Whatever you put into the parameter field in the VoxCommando command builder will be sent as the event name. When you speak your command, and VC recognizes it, it should show up in the eventGhost log. I think you got this far, you have fired the event. Now you need to assign the event to a macro so that it actually does something. Just drag the event from the EG log window on the left, into a macro on the right. Read, the short manual, which will say basically the same thing but will provide additional info.
Once you've got that going we can talk about payloads.
I'm always happy to have people contribute to the wiki. I am by nature a lazy person, and when I am spending time on VoxCommando, I would much rather be developing new features than working on documentation!
I will take a look at mControl. Thanks for the heads up.
btw you can control x10 directly from Voxcommando using the launch command to call ahcmd.exe with parameters. I toyed with the x10 sdk a bit but it didn't seem worth incorporating it into VC for the few simple x10 commands, when the command line utility seems to work quite well. By "worth it" I mean, not worth having an extra dll object loaded into memory. I haven't quite figured out how to convert VC to a plugin architecture (lazy again I suppose).
You can drag the attached xml into your command tree to import it, or open it in the bin (the right side of the command tree editor) and then drag it over to the main tree.