Here's the log from one execution of the command:
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 207 Something was recognized
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 207 Rulename: root # Semantics: 3
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 207 Group: Device Montor Speech: Maggie What Color is Ambient Lighting
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 208 semanticID: 171
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 208 kvp: prefix | Maggie
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 208 kvp: command | 171
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 208 kvp: payload1 | <171:Ambient Lighting>710
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 208 no regex match found
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 208 id from payload value: 171
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 210 semanticID: 171
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 210 kvp: prefix | Maggie
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 210 kvp: command | 171
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 210 kvp: payload1 | <171:Ambient Lighting>710
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 210 no regex match found
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 210 id from payload value: 171
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 210 alternate:Maggie What Color is Ambient Lighting
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 220 A prefix is required to execute this command.
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 246 addHistoryItem [vcevent] VC.Prefix.End
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 250 doCommand:What Color
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 250 Action claims to be threadsafe.
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 250 action repeat set to: 1
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 250 Action: Scrape
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 250 Param1:
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 250 addHistoryItem [action] Scrape:
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 300 Action RESULT:
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 300 Action is NOT threadsafe: Results.RegEx
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 300 action repeat set to: 1
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 300 Action: Results.RegEx
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 300 Param1:"value":"(.*?)"
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 300 addHistoryItem [action] Results.RegEx:"value":"(.*?)"
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 308 addHistoryItem [error] Results.RegExUnexpected error:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at VoxCommando.ResultsVars.RegExMyResults(String[] parsedParams, Boolean useSingleLine)
at eval_g.eval_ᜃ(macroElement A_0, List`1 A_1, Int32 A_2)
at eval_g.eval_ᜂ(macroElement A_0, List`1 A_1, Int32 A_2)
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 314 Unexpected error in action: Results.RegEx
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at VoxCommando.ResultsVars.RegExMyResults(String[] parsedParams, Boolean useSingleLine)
at eval_g.eval_ᜃ(macroElement A_0, List`1 A_1, Int32 A_2)
at eval_g.eval_ᜂ(macroElement A_0, List`1 A_1, Int32 A_2)
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 314 Action claims to be threadsafe.
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 314 action repeat set to: 1
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 314 Action: TTSMS.Speak
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 314 error replacing variables: {Match.1}
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 314 Param1:{Match.1}
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 314 addHistoryItem [action] TTSMS.Speak:{Match.1}
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 319 Action from plugin: C:\VOX COMMANDO\Plugins\TTSMS\TTSMS.dll
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 320 Action INFO: speaking (asynchronous): {Match.1}
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 324 Action is NOT threadsafe: OSD.ShowText
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 324 action repeat set to: 1
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 324 Action: OSD.ShowText
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 325 Param1:{"id":"710","attribute":"colorName","value":"Red"}
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 325 addHistoryItem [action] OSD.ShowText:{"id":"710","attribute":"colorName","value":"Red"}
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 355 Action INFO: OK
1/25/2025 6:22:34 PM 356 addHistoryItem [vcevent] tts.start
1/25/2025 6:22:36 PM 4 addHistoryItem [vcevent] tts.end
1/25/2025 6:22:37 PM 852 addHistoryItem [vcevent] VC.NotRecognized
1/25/2025 6:22:38 PM 351 guessed text:Is The ?? (Device Montor)
1/25/2025 6:22:39 PM 471 addHistoryItem [vcevent] VC.NotRecognized
I see what looks like regex related error in the middle of the log but I'm not sure how to interpret them.