Of course this isn't an entirely NEW integration, but it is very handy for me.
For Christmas I purchased an Activity Bot for myself to play with in the hope that it would help me to continue to learn to write decent code plus I was having so much fun with my UAV drone that I just couldn't resist.
So the little guy's multiprocessor can really soak up the code as you use various sensors (ultrasonic, IR etc) for navigation and what have you and theres an on board SD card slot also.
The code is basically C but its a proprietary branch called SIDE for Simple IDE but that's not he point...the point is that my tiny brain finally figured out that I could have Bree (my VC bot)type the repetitive parts of the code that must go into each and every script IE: init main(), #include "simpletools.h", and so on and so forth.Not only do I not have to type this crap anymore, I don't even have to dictate it as I just made a short command of course for each snippet and away SendKeys goes writing the boring bits of my code....(not to mention Opening Notepad++ and transferring the finished product to the Simple IDE program to run it{writing it within the app itself is quirky,N++ much better})
So thanks again VC for making my life more productive and less crappy