I'm 99% sure that the reason for the delay that you are controlling the lamp module directly. I will see a similar delay when I turn a wall switch on manually. The Vera won't know about it until it does a poll which can take a minute or two depending on how busy the Vera is.
I don't know if you can use this GE controller with your Vera the way that I am using mine, but the way mine is set up, it initiates scenes on my Vera when I press a button and on the Vera I tell it what lights to control in that scene. If you do it this way, then the Vera knows right away what is happening and VoxCommando will also know a fraction of a second later. VC also knows about the scene request even if there is no Vera scene associated with it.
And you're saying that you have zero delay from pushing the on button to the point where the light turns on?
No I never said that. I said 0.1 to 1 seconds before VC knows about it. But yeah, usually it seems almost instant when Vera is in a good mood...
One advantage with the way you have yours set up is that the light will work even if you Vera is experiencing problems, which is not as unusual a thing as we would like, right?
I notice on your product description for the GE controller that it can do groups or scenes. I wonder if it is possible to set it up as a Vera scene controller, but still have it control groups of lights directly. I think mine can do that but it was too confusing for me and I had a huge battle just getting mine to work with UI7 in the first place. Anyway, I can't help you with that part of it. You'll need to refer to your manual and ask on the Vera site about how to do it if you want to try to set your GE controller up differently from how you have it now.
There are some switches that send there status updates to the Vera controller instead of waiting to be polled. Why this is not a standard requirement of all ZWave devices is beyond me, but those devices are usually no so cheap, not that anything for ZWave is cheap really.