sounds good?
1 - An XML Payoad editor. This allows you to create lists of "things" that each have 1 "value" and multiple "phrases". This feature already exists but you have to edit by hand.
2 - I need a browse button in the command tree so you can select your xml payload file. Currently you have to type the path and filename.
3 - I want to create powerful tools for manipulating the command tree. Most important is to be able to import and merge a command tree from another file.
4 - I want to set up a selection of files on the site that you can download trees from. For example, if someone develops a command tree for XBMC with french phrases, they could post it to the site so that others could download it, merge it into their tree and away they go - controlling xbmc in French!
(as a first step - I've added some new context menus in the tree editor. Cut, Copy, Past, Duplicate, Expand-All etc. Let me know if I missed anything obvious.