I checked out the two IR programming videos for the USBUIRT. I understood all of it amazingly enough. I understand how you made your tv turn on\off as well as the volume go up and down. What I was wondering was can you make your Microsoft remote that you had in the video do those things without telling voxcommando? Basically using your MCE remote and the USBUIRT, can you make the volume on your tv go up\down or turn it on & off without the tv remote and without using voice commands? If so can you clue me in how you can do that.
I'm looking in the action tree under the "plugin actions" section and I found the UsbUIRT part. There are LearnPronto, CancelLearn, SetBlink, LearnUU, and Send. I was hoping that I could set up a command that would enable me to send a IR signal from my remote to Vox that it recognized from the map editor and have it send out an IR blast to my stereo to turn the volume up.
I've been searching the forums. Do I need the install eventghost to get this to work? I learned that the amulet remote can be programmed to learn a few buttons of your remotes, but it was just 4 buttons??? I programmed the volume up button to work on for my stereo, but it was painfully slow. It was like the amulet remote only sends out the IR code once and doesn't repeat it causing you to have to mash the button over and over....
You could do it with eventGhost, or only in VC, but I don't recommend trying to use the UUIRT with both EventGhost and VC at the same time because you may have a conflict.
Either way you are going to face the following problem: If you try to blast IR while your remote is already sending IR then the signals will get mixed and your volume up message will not be correctly interpreted by your amp. You can get around this either by making sure that your amp's input is hidden from the IR that is coming from your remote (i.e. in a cabinet) but you may not want to do that, because then you won't have the option of using the normal remote for the amp.
Another thing you can do is to delay after receiving the MCE IR code before blasting the IR code for your amp. Obviously if you want to use this method you will not be able to hold down the volume button.
Your Amulet is also supposed to be able to learn IR codes, although this does not always work so well. You are supposed to be able to program more than 4 buttons, but I have not found it to be worth the effort. Sometimes it won't learn a code, or you will need to hold the button down for a long time for it to work, and sometimes it will forget the codes you programmed. No Fun!
In my case I will either send the volume commands using my voice commands : "Onkyo set volume X", or "Onkyo volume UP/Down X".
If I want to use my Amulet to control the volume I use EventGhost with the short delay method and press the volume button multiple times instead of holding it down. The same could be accomplished in VC, but I like using eventGhost to handle my remote related stuff.