another option is to use the CinemaExerience home automation script.
1) Replace the "" file which is found in:
with the attached "" file.
2) Enable the homeautomation in the CE plugin settings and enable any triggers you want.
You should see events in VoxCommando now, but only when using Cinema Experience, not when playing movies normally in Kodi.
Or if you already have a customized file you can edit it to add the extra line of code to send the event using UDP. Just be careful not to mess up the indentation and that means watch out for tabs / spaces.
if trigger in triggers:
utils.broadcastUDP( "VC.TriggerEvent&&Kodi.CinEx.%s" %trigger, 33000,'' )
utils.log( " - [ ] - Trigger %s" % trigger, xbmc.LOGNOTICE )