did some more testing and was able to get it working using "LastActionSuccess" instead, this is the only group that I use {Empty} so I'm not sure if there could be something wrong with that (not suggesting there is, just curious)
For what you're trying to evaluate, "LastActionSuccess" seems like the right choice.
I'm actually not sure how/why evaluating {LastResult} = {Empty} was ever working for you for this command. As I understand it, you were attempting to get a status from your Wemo, and if you could not get a status, then you were triggering the command to try a different port. Is that right?
The problem is that {LastResult} is almost never empty, except maybe when VC launches (and even then, many times we have commands running on VC.Loaded that will return some kind of result).
In this case, your Scrape action isn't returning an "empty" result -- it's not able to execute the scrape at all because it can't connect to the wrong port.
Because {LastResult} is essentially a global variable, if your Scrape action is unsuccessful, the value of {LastResult} will remain as the value that it had previously been set to by some other, successful action that returns a result.