Edit: Ignore the key mappings below for SendKeys
Use XBMC.Btn.KB <string> as it's much faster.
You can find all of those <strings> at
https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master/system/keymaps/keyboard.xmlIn the section below:
So, Play would be.... XBMC.Btn.KB pHi JitterJames & Kalle & Wanilton -
I have another one for you. I'm trying to send the Home key to XBMC.
I've tried
XBMC.Btn.KB Home (just like XBMC.Btn.KB tab worked),
XBMC.Btn.KB home
SendKeys {HOME} - and with single/ doublequotes around Home.
Any suggestions?
Also, where can I find a definitive guide to the codes:
SendKey(0xF024) (and the rest of these kinds of codes)
action (2) - and the rest of those codes as well?
Thanks a mill...
Can you confirm SendKey(0xF024)'s source is this?
home = SendKey(61476) 0xF024
From the following chart:
space = SendKey(61472) 0xF020
singlequote = SendKey(61662) 0xF0EE
, = SendKey(61628) 0xF0BC
- = SendKey(61629) 0xF0BD
. = SendKey(61630) 0xF0BE
/ = SendKey(61631) 0xF0BF
0 = SendKey(61488) 0xF030
1 = SendKey(61489) 0xF031
2 = SendKey(61490) 0xF032
3 = SendKey(61491) 0xF033
4 = SendKey(61492) 0xF034
5 = SendKey(61493) 0xF035
6 = SendKey(61494) 0xF036
7 = SendKey(61495) 0xF037
8 = SendKey(61496) 0xF038
9 = SendKey(61497) 0xF039
; = SendKey(61626) 0xF0BA
equals = SendKey(61627) 0xF0BB
A = SendKey(61505) 0xF041
B = SendKey(61506) 0xF042
C = SendKey(61507) 0xF043
D = SendKey(61508) 0xF044
E = SendKey(61509) 0xF045
F = SendKey(61510) 0xF046
G = SendKey(61511) 0xF047
H = SendKey(61512) 0xF048
I = SendKey(61513) 0xF049
J = SendKey(61514) 0xF04A
K = SendKey(61515) 0xF04B
L = SendKey(61516) 0xF04C
M = SendKey(61517) 0xF04D
N = SendKey(61518) 0xF04E
O = SendKey(61519) 0xF04F
P = SendKey(61520) 0xF050
Q = SendKey(61521) 0xF051
R = SendKey(61522) 0xF052
S = SendKey(61523) 0xF053
T = SendKey(61524) 0xF054
U = SendKey(61525) 0xF055
V = SendKey(61526) 0xF056
W = SendKey(61527) 0xF057
X = SendKey(61528) 0xF058
Y = SendKey(61529) 0xF059
Z = SendKey(61530) 0xF05A
[ = SendKey(61659) 0xF0DB
\ = SendKey(61660) 0xF0DC
] = SendKey(61661) 0xF0DD
_ = SendKey(61629) 0xF0BD
` = SendKey(61632) 0xF0C0
backspace = SendKey(61448) 0xF008
enter = SendKey(61453) 0xF00D
tab = SendKey(61449) 0xF009
control = SendKey(61457) 0xF011
alt = SendKey(61458) 0xF012
pausebreak = SendKey(61459) 0xF013
capslock = SendKey(61460) 0xF014
esc = SendKey(61467) 0xF01B
pageup = SendKey(61473) 0xF021
pagedown = SendKey(61474) 0xF022
end = SendKey(61475) 0xF023
home = SendKey(61476) 0xF024leftarrow = SendKey(61477) 0xF025
uparrow = SendKey(61478) 0xF026
rightarrow = SendKey(61479) 0xF027
downarrow = SendKey(61480) 0xF028
printscreen = SendKey(61484) 0xF02C
insert = SendKey(61485) 0xF02D
delete = SendKey(61486) 0xF02E
window = SendKey(61531) 0xF05B
F1 = SendKey(61552) 0xF070
F2 = SendKey(61553) 0xF071
F3 = SendKey(61554) 0xF072
F4 = SendKey(61555) 0xF073
F5 = SendKey(61556) 0xF074
F6 = SendKey(61557) 0xF075
F7 = SendKey(61558) 0xF076
F8 = SendKey(61559) 0xF077
F9 = SendKey(61560) 0xF078
F10 = SendKey(61561) 0xF079
F11 = SendKey(61562) 0xF07A
F12 = SendKey(61563) 0xF07B
numlock = SendKey(61584) 0xF090