Author Topic: Got Acoustic Magic Array I - Any experienced users/need help with this  (Read 3179 times)

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Is anyone using the Acoustic Magic Voice Array I?  I am having a problem with it not being directly plugged into my computer. I have this set up where I need to plug it into a usb adapter which then plugs into the usb port on my pc. When it is plugged into this adapter, it doesn't work, but the computer recognizes the microphone.

It also doesn't seem to be recognizing my commands very well. For example, I'll say, "office light off" and in the
bar at the top it shows exactly what I said as, "office light off ?? (lights)"
So it is hearing the command correctly, but not recognizing it...? I have the recognition confidence level set to 1.

*EDIT* Okay, it seems to be a distance thing. But it's suppose to have a listening distance of 30ft. yet I have to have my face right up to the mic to get every command.

I would love any input on this. I'm kinda stuck.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2015, 05:31:42 PM by RickyD333 »


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VC uses the default audio input device, so perhaps the usb mic isn't set as your default mic in your Windows settings?

You can go directly to those settings from VC's Options menu.

You can also try the VC.SetSpeechInput action in a command to switch to your usb mic. However, if it's not set as the default, this will be temporary and it will revert to your main audio input next time you run VC.
TIPS: POST VC VERSION #. Explain what you want VC to do. Say what you've tried & what happened, or post a video demo. Attach VC log. Link to instructions followed.  Post your command (xml)


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Oops, I fixed it. I was in the middle of editing while you posted a reply. But I'm having a recognition problem. I edited my post with the issue.


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Have you tried playing with the microphone levels?

Also: If you've previously trained your speech recognition profile, your SR engine probably will not be happy about the new mic. In that case, create a new profile for the new mic and train it. (And then use that profile.)
TIPS: POST VC VERSION #. Explain what you want VC to do. Say what you've tried & what happened, or post a video demo. Attach VC log. Link to instructions followed.  Post your command (xml)