James, yes I have this control phones always plugged , so the battery drain it's not a problem, about the other software , yes I've take a look to them, and they work , but the problem is what you said VC only admits one normal mic, so it's not a valid solution ,with your vox application this doesn't happen you could have many , so it's a pity that it couldn't work like a always on mic solution.
Kalle , about your wearable microphone options ,really I don't want to wear anything with me , this configuration for me lost all the magic of voice control , for me the interesting point is the voice solutions is control the equipment without wearing anything , but thank your for the information.
I will think on the idea of putting some wired mics and joint them in the conexion to the pc with a mixer, but with some rooms it's really hard to do.
Thank for your answers,and for you software and technology , it makes me have something interisting to do during weekends.