Tried the parse the logs but still no luck.
Trying to mimmick the Browse 'recently added movies/tv...etc" commands but a Browse In Progress TV Shows which is also a default Kodi view. the logs aren't showing me much from kodi. Anyone w/ more luck/insight?
01_KODI.log 892792 11:35:57 T:139836946114304 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: {"params": {"sort": {"order": "descending", "method": "lastplayed"}, "filter": {"and": [{"operator": "lessthan", "field": "playcount", "value": "1"}, {"operator": "true", "field": "inprogress", "value": ""}]}, "properties": ["title", "studio", "mpaa", "file", "art"], "limits": {"end": 20}}, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows"}
01_KODI.log 639663 10:07:54 T:139836031702784 DEBUG: UPnP Translated id to 'library://video/inprogressshows.xml/'
The entry from favorites.xml shows
<favourite name="In progress TV shows" thumb="DefaultInProgressShows.png">ActivateWindow(10025,"library://video/inprogressshows.xml/",return)</favourite>
however when I cloned one of the default 'browse to recently added tv' commands (where also the 'in progress tv shows' is in the same list on my kodi view) I can't seem to get to work, it jumps to screen with all these default lists but doesn't 'enter into ' it
All just jump to that root list but not into the list/view.
Searching my system for the inprogressshows.xml I found these:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<node order="4" type="filter" visible="Library.HasContent(TVShows)">
<rule field="inprogress" operator="true" />
Camau:/usr/share/kodi/system/library/video # cat recentlyaddedepisodes.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<node order="11" type="folder" visible="Library.HasContent(TVShows)">
Does anyone know what this is?
what database is that?
I just searched my MySql database and i can't find 'recentlyaddedepisodes' in the MyVideos90 database?