Maybe James could alter VoxWav so that each client is aware of its room location and also have VC route the audio feedback (TTS etc) through the Sonos in that room (via switching the Sonos Plugin to issue a zone player change)
If you're using the most recent version of VWPro (2.7.1), just go into the VWPro's Application settings and name your Android "Living Room" or whatever you want to name it.
Then various events that are automatically generated by VoxWav, such as the TcpMic.WavReady event, will include that Android's name as a payload value. you can simply trigger a command that switches to the correct Sonos player using that event. Actually, maybe the best option would be to name each Android exactly the same name as whatever your Sonos players are named, because the Sonos.SetPlayer action takes the Sonos device name as a parameter, which means you could pass the payload directly into that action.
Of course, this method only works if that Android device remains in that room, which I assume is what you meant.