I don't know whether I'm understanding your post. If not, my apologies. I'm not very good at interpreting stream-of-consciousness prose.
But if you are saying that you would like to be able to open specific windows using voice commands, even if those windows are within addons -- this is often but not always feasible, if you can figure out the file path parameter for that window.
The way that we usually suggest to figure that out is as follows.
1. Navigate to the window in Kodi.
2. Add that page to your favourites.
3. Then go look at the favourites.xml file in your ...AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata directory and find the file path for that favourite.
It will usually show up in that xml file in a form like:
<favourite name="What to watch" thumb="C:\Users\<username}\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.youtube\resources\media\what_to_watch.png">ActivateWindow(10025,"plugin://plugin.video.youtube/special/what_to_watch/",return)</favourite>
The part we're interested in is the path in quotes in the brackets. In this case, "plugin://plugin.video.youtube/special/what_to_watch/".
4. Based on that, you can then use the GUI.ActivateWindow method in your VC command.
I think it would be pretty cumbersome to try to do that for every single window, but if you had a set of 20-odd windows, that's more doable. Here's an example with just a few different windows (payloadXML file attached).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<command id="849" name="Go to Kodi page {1}" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
<param>Opening {PF.1}</param>
<param>"window": "video", "parameters": ["{1}"]</param>
<phrase>Go to Kodi page</phrase>
<payloadFromXML phraseOnly="False" use2partPhrase="False" phraseConnector="by" Phrase2wildcard="anyone" optional="False">XbmcPayloads\kodi_windows.xml</payloadFromXML>