Author Topic: TellVoxCommando  (Read 4369 times)

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« on: September 25, 2013, 03:39:36 AM »
Hi all, really random question and not 100% sure how to ask but here goes.

Is there a way in the TellVC.exe that you can tell it an IP address to talk to?

A previous member asked about passing commands remotely. I was setting up a SSH server over the weekend with tunnels and thought.... if I can tunnel TellVC.exe commands to my home PC from a remote location.

Hope I made any form of sense.

Thanks all once again


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Re: TellVoxCommando
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2013, 10:06:35 AM »
I don't know much about tunnels or SSH, but no, you can't specify a destination IP address with TellVoxCommando.exe at the moment.  I could add this option though.

Even if you could I'm not sure how that would work with UDP and a tunnel.

You can however set up VC to listen for TCP or HTTP commands, so for sure there is a way to talk to VC from a remote location by forwarding the appropriate ports.  But currently you would still not be able to use TellVoxCommando.exe to do it.  You could however, send commands from VC running on one machine to VC running at a remote location, or even by using your browser.


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Re: TellVoxCommando
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2013, 01:58:36 AM »
Thanks for this James :)

I will do some reading on sending commands the way you suggested. Dont bother with putting this in as a feature if there is really no demand for it. Im sure you have many other things you could rather spend your time on! Was just one of my random moments where I was busy doing some SSH tunneling stuff for a client and then remembered that another user asked about remotely controlling things and I mentioned a VPN but SSH is a easier\cheaper way to go about it perhaps.

Thanks again


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Re: TellVoxCommando
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2013, 06:04:29 PM »
Hi James thanks for planting the seeds of passing commands via HTTP and TCP  :bonk now I have so many more ideas that I want to test  :biglaugh just want to know if this forum articale is the one to read for all of the functions :)

One other question. On the VoxWav (free) is there a setting in the app that I could have the app always listening? I am think of me walking in at home no where close to my PC and MIC but my phone is in my pocket. Then I can just say COMPUTER..... COMMAND.... IGNORE ME without having to unlock and then press to speak. Thanks James! =You deserve a holiday with all the work you have put into the software and the forum. Much appreciated


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Re: TellVoxCommando
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2013, 06:18:32 PM »
Hi James thanks for planting the seeds of passing commands via HTTP and TCP  :bonk now I have so many more ideas that I want to test  :biglaugh just want to know if this forum articale is the one to read for all of the functions :)
I don't know what you mean by "all of the functions"...

All of the actions for any core action or any plugin action are described in the VC editor or available in the wiki.

One other question. On the VoxWav (free) is there a setting in the app that I could have the app always listening? I am think of me walking in at home no where close to my PC and MIC but my phone is in my pocket. Then I can just say COMPUTER..... COMMAND.... IGNORE ME without having to unlock and then press to speak. Thanks James! =You deserve a holiday with all the work you have put into the software and the forum. Much appreciated
No.  Not with VoxWav free.  The beta version of VoxWav pro has this feature.  I don't know if anyone is using it though, so I don't really know how reliable it is in real life.


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Re: TellVoxCommando
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2013, 02:42:01 AM »
Thank you James. I will try the Pro at some point. Also thanks for the links. will have a read through them


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Re: TellVoxCommando
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2013, 04:55:10 AM »
Is there any parameters that can be added with tell box.exe?  Like tellvox.exe download x started.


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Re: TellVoxCommando
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2013, 08:54:23 AM »
I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but here is the documentation for tellvox in the wiki :

If that doesn't help, please explain what you're trying to do exactly.
TIPS: POST VC VERSION #. Explain what you want VC to do. Say what you've tried & what happened, or post a video demo. Attach VC log. Link to instructions followed.  Post your command (xml)


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Re: TellVoxCommando
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2013, 09:25:11 AM »
Okei, as it is now, you write what you want as a parameter inside the program. I wanted to know if you it was possible to pass that parameter as a argument on exceution. Many programs have the ability to run program x when y event happen. Fx Run when finished: path/to/tellvox.exe parameter

One example is this: "Awesomeshow name was just downloaded at time:time:date"


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Re: TellVoxCommando
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2013, 10:07:27 AM »
you can use udpsender.exe or voxcommando with a command line parameter.


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Re: TellVoxCommando
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2013, 12:21:14 PM »
I should have known that you already have thought of it...

Thanks for putting me in the right direction!