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Messages - carl.esbjorn

Pages: [1]
Hi, thank you for you speedy reply!

I'm using the "Play moive XYZ"-command, and it's the only one I'm having issues with.
It seems it would be an issue with XBMC itself, given as it receives correct commands regarding which file to play.
I didn't have time to run an XBMC debug for this one at this moment, however see as line 433-436 results in the playing correct file, while line 462-464 results in nothing.
Changing command from Send PlayFile to ExecBuiltin PlayMedia gives same results.

This issue applies consistently to the same files, actually a majority of my files as I have noticed.
I suppose the issue ultimately lies with XBMC itself. I'll rollback to the latest stable release of XBMC and report back when I'm off work later this evening.

Again, thank you for your sterling support!


Been trying out VoxCommando for the past weekend, and been very impressed so far.
I seem however, to have encountered a slight inconsistency regarding playback of certain files.

Using (XBMCSetup-20121007-f13566b-master) together with VoxCommando 0.965, I've managed to scrape all files, and generated necessary XML.
Some files play without issue, but some fail to launch. It successfully selects the correct movie in VoxCommando, but never starts. Running debug in XBMC, I find an error (line 931) but can't figure out what the issue is. Playing the same film by clicking it in XBMC works as intended, as can be seen further down in the xbmc.log (from line 1104).

I might add that I've tried with numerous different files (MKV vs AVI), (RAR vs. Un-rared) etc. all seems very inconsistent.

The debug is a bit messy as I run libCEC HDMI adapter (works with a bliss together with VoxCommando, being able to start tv/receiver simply by talking to it..)


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