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Messages - Sirandar

Pages: [1]
I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version 0.871
« on: January 16, 2011, 05:13:42 PM »
Further Notes:
1) I am also running Intelliremote and Monkeytunes.
2) If I run Vox 0.871 execute commands and then exit it, it doesn't affect my system in any way and no crashes happen.  Vox has to be running at the same time as I use my ATI remote Wonder and Intelliremote for crashes.


Vox seems to randomly execute commands are in the  launch folder even in OFF mode and removing all commands from that folder reduces this to infrequent reboots (probably)
Having both Vox and Intelliremote controlling MediaMonkey definitely causes very hard and sometimes system destroying crashes in Win7.

I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version 0.871
« on: January 16, 2011, 05:03:59 PM »
Hi James

I have some bad news for you at least in my case ......  The latest version 0.871 seens to cause very hard crashes on my Win7x64 system including one so bad it comnpletely trashed my syetem.  Fortunately I have a sector by sector backup (Acroinis) and had it back in 10 min.

I have a feeling it may have been happeing more rarely in previous versions.

Previously I would sometime notice my system had rebooted for no apparent reason.  Now I have a repeatable chain of events that causes a very hard system reset,  no blue screen and no error in the event log.

Boot, start MediaMonkey 3.2.1 1301
Vov 0.871 is already started.
Use my ATI remote with Intelliremote for a while (commands don't matter)
Hit the button on my remote that shut my screen off
Instant very hard crash
Note that Vox is running but in off mode and no Vox commands have been executed

Do exactly the same with Vox not active and this never happens no matter what I do or how long I play with the remote.

Vox is working pefectly on my system otherwise, but please note that I have previously removed all the commands from the LAUNCH group because they would ramdomly fire on my system even when Vox was off and it seemed that the command that would usually fire was the one to turm my screen off (the same one that crashes my system when Vox is running and I turn the screen off with the remote)

What is a good microphone for speech recognition? / Re: Amulet Voice Remote
« on: December 21, 2010, 10:54:20 AM »
Sad that so few people are willing to pay for innovative, well written and customizable software that is reasonably priced.   That is why we are stuck with big names shoving mammothly overladen and overpriced hardware and software on us.  Sadly the free model is corrupt and with a few exceptions only enforces the status quo, as the only way to make money it to sell out.  Very few people will pay anything for something they can get free.  I am the only one I know.   Media Monkey is in the same boat,  way better than the bloated upselling Itunes offering. Thay are not even in the same league, but I don't think MM3 is generating much revenue.

Vox is remarkably bug free considering it is still in its early stages.  The only wonkiness I have experienced lately is unwanted command triggering in the launch group, but with all the additional commands I could empty that group anyway and not lose any functionality. 

I think they chose to use IR instead of RF in order to increase battery life.  I don't know what kind of difference it actually makes to battery life, but it is a shame indeed.  As far as straight button pushing remote usage goes, I still prefer my $25 PS3 bluetooth remote.

I agree that a harmony style remote with LCD screen (touch),  RF direct to the computer and a built in microphone would be pretty sweet.  For the life of me, I can't figure out why these harmony remotes are still so expensive.  I also think that some kind of comfortable lightweight wearable mic with the mic near your mouth and noise cancellation would be awesome.  it would still need an easy on/off switch though.  Ipod touch can make a decent remote too, but very expensive, and very poor battery life.

@Kalle, not everyone is so generous with donations, I appreciate your optimism but I have not received 120 donations. :o  Not even close!  If my only reason for creating VC was to make money I would be pretty sad right now...  Luckily I get something from it other than money, and who knows, maybe one day...  8)

What is a good microphone for speech recognition? / Re: Amulet Voice Remote
« on: December 20, 2010, 11:53:07 PM »
This is one of the most intersting remotes to come out for a long time.

Looks like a well designed product but why didn't they use RF for voice AND the remote functions?

As it is is just isn't enough better than my trusty ATI Remote Wonder with the Intelliremote software, but that remote is a pretty hard act to follow . Even the incredibly complicated and expensive Logitech offerings spark no interest in me.  It's got to be 6 years old now.

As a Vox user I can certainly say that Voice command has its place, but nothing can replace the ease of use of a well progammed remote for the simpler commands.

I can control my audio from anywhere in my house with the ATI remote and do voice commands in my audio room and the reverse would be true with the Amulet.

Also, despite the good accuracy of Vox it still misses enough that I normally have it in off mode and the only way to activate vox to ON is pressing a button on the remote, which then accepts only one command.   Another button on the remote resets the whole thing and focuses on Media Monkey.  This is the only way I found for trouble free consistant operation.  If I had the Amulet and I was in another room there would probably be enough times where it gets into a state that I can't deal with that I woudn't use it.

I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version 0.84
« on: November 11, 2010, 06:51:48 PM »
Hi James

Here it is:

Hi Sirandar,

would you mind posting your voicecommands.xml will all your mediamonkey commands.  I would like to repackage the latest version for the main download page so that new users are getting the latest version.  I just want to look at your commands to make sure I am not missing anything.  I have trouble juggling all the versions that I am testing with.  tia.

I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version 0.84
« on: November 11, 2010, 09:39:56 AM »
Thanks James

True and false works and these commands were worth you putting them in and me setting them up  (AutoDJ and Shuffle).

GenXML script command doesn't seem to have any use I an think of  ...... If it would GenXML on the current MM3 filter is would be very useful.

A haven't been able to get the MediaMonkey set shuffle and set autoDJ commands to work no matter what I put in the aurgument box (1, one, On, on)...

try using true or false

I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version 0.84
« on: November 08, 2010, 08:19:22 PM »
OK.  I am sure there are still bugs, but here it is.

Let the fun begin!  ;D

edit: fixed bug reported by wanilton
edit: fixed bug when saving the command bin when the \export folder doesn't exist

edit: uploaded 0842 v1 with a few fixes.

Woirks fine for me .....

The Vox single command now works
I can now have vox beep when it enters On mode without commands happening because of the beep

A haven't been able to get the MediaMonkey set shuffle and set autoDJ commands to work no matter what I put in the aurgument box (1, one, On, on)...

The genXML MM.all looks very promising.  I will experiment 

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