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Messages - Bleazle

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MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 03, 2012, 07:12:08 PM »
FIXED! Changed strSong to strTitle  :)

MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 03, 2012, 05:44:11 PM »
Thanks for clarifying all of that  :)

I can't get "play song XX" to work (I appreciate that this is a test release that I am using..). I've tried creating a new command and changing a few things as shown but still no go - any ideas?



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 03, 2012, 03:24:15 PM »
I guess I won't know until I try VC on my HTPC (I read the licence info before hitting "buy" and yes, I definitely own it!  ;D... or maybe it owns you've got me thinking  ;D ) which I won't do until the release which is more MP specific comes out but thanks for the suggestions.

I'm (slowly) getting my head around building commands. I've sorted out how to set set volume to 50, jump to recorded TV and now I have TTS set up for a few commands too like: "Start Listening" - says "David I'm listening" - my kids will love that!  ;D (they're not here at the moment) and I'm hoping I can can use VC to train my wife lol!!!!! She thinks it's funny so that's a start  ;D

When I upgrade to a new version of VC I take it tweaks like this are not carried over, or are they? (I know I should back the contents of the VC folder up)


MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 02, 2012, 11:33:11 PM »
Looks like we were typing over each other again..

..@Bleazle forget my xml it was written for XBMC..

No problem, I gathered that when I opened it  ;D

I have tried using ASIO4ALL....At least now I can probably recreate the problem which makes it way easier to fix.  I have to be honest though, this is pretty low on my very long list of priorities!

Guess it'll be a while before I get to use the second licence on my HTPC then! No problem though :)

..What exactly does ASIO4ALL do for your sound quality that the BASS player does not without it?...

I have a Marantz Amp with an HDMI feed from my HTPC and music sounded good but when I installed ASIO4ALL it was like I had taken a pillow off all of my speakers - the sound is that much better!

...There is a wiki.  Click the wiki button at the top of the forum, or at the top of the any page...

 :bonk  ;D Thanks, I'll have a look... I'll have a look at the OSD thing too - I realise they can both be turned off, once I'm more confident with VC I'll turn off the confirmation osd at least. 

Re: Tutorials
- I've done a bit of that sort of stuff before (interactive Flash tutorials) and it took a lot of time so I hear what you're saying - product development first - tutorials if you get sick of answering the same questions too many times  ;D



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 02, 2012, 07:12:26 PM »
Just bought the Full Licence :) Based in what I see so far I'm confident this will work out great with MP  :)

...The asiodriver block the microsoft soundmapper, so all wave and mp3 files do not play...

Bummer  :-\

...Yes, there is an option, click the "wand" when you edit a command and take a look under OSD

I got to the screen you showed but couldn't work out how to save anything - do I need to create a new command? If so where? (under what group I guess I mean)...

..The best way to avoid getting 15 if you don't use it is to remove it from the list..

Did that (edited the current command), now "50" is being interpreted as "30"  ::)

..but in these cases I usually use a payload list instead with values 0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100...

Is there a Wiki on how to do this stuff? I'm all for trial and error and working it out myself but a few more pointers on "how to do" not "what to do" would be handy  ;D

..alternatively you could use a range 0-10 and then just add a 0 in the action parameter like this:   setvolume    {1}0...

Created a command (see below) to set the volume at 50 - it doesn't work - what have I done wrong?

..Also if you are showing "alternates" (options - general tab) you will probably see "set volume 50" coming up as option two, so you could just say "option two"

I'm using 0.912 which is why I probably can't see "alternates"? I was planning on waiting until you release a version which is more tailored towards MP because it doesn't sound too far away...

...the problem is that when mediaportal is in full screen mode it may be blocking the OSD popups.

No, I can see them  :) and you can probably see why I want to move them too (I take it the OSD pop-up can be moved too?...)

OK, wife wants me to spend some time with her now  ::)... or maybe I'll go kitesurfing instead... mmm... tough call...



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 02, 2012, 03:30:08 PM »
FIXXXXEDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D Thanks for your persistence her guys!!

It looks like the problem/conflict is due to ASIO4ALL  :-[ I changed the player from BASS engine to Internal dshow player & everything plays fine - ASIO4ALLis disabled when using the Internal dshow player. This isn't a big issue on the client that I've installed VC on because I'm only using the built in speakers but it does mean that I won't be using VC on my main HTPC because music sounds much better when ASIO4ALL is running. I changed the music player back to  BASS engine and disabled ASIO4ALL & once again music plays without any problems so there's a big finger pointing at ASIO4ALL. Do you think there's anything you can do as far as making changes in VC is concerned?

Re: Hidden menu: I  had a look at creating a command and think I pretty much had it sorted but then decided to stick with "go up" or "go left" - they do the trick now that I've realised I don't need to say "1" as well.

Back to these things I mentioned earlier:

- is there any way to correct VC when it gets a command wrong? e.g. I say SetVolume50 and always end up with "15"  Undecided Strange because us Kiwi's don't have an accent, it's the rest of you that do  Grin
- Is it possible for me to change the position of the overlay or is that set in the programme?



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 02, 2012, 06:36:33 AM »
Hi Bleazle, I want not nerves  ::), but your driver is very old. I've found on the realtek page one from 16/12/2011
It is curious that your soundcard is a High Def Audio and has no Digital Output only aanalog audio ::hmm


Thanks for pointing that out - I have installed the latest driver manually (as per the pic below) but it hasn't changed anything  :-\ Note: There was a Digital Output showing but I disabled it this morning (and then it totally disappeared, I thought it would still show in the Device Manager ???)  because selecting it did nothing, no sound played anywhere. Now it is back again as per the second screenshot but that hasn't changed either, selecting it kills all sound output - am I supposed to do something else here?  ::)



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 02, 2012, 03:17:26 AM »
well you may only have one output device, but if you had others, they would appear in the dropdown where it currently says "Speakers (realtek high def audio)"..

Yep, but definitely nothing else to select from  :-\

...maybe you can try upgrading to the latest version here:'s a long shot but worth a try.

Thanks - gave it a go (selected iTunes as the initial profile then did the MP setup) - I couldn't even get it to open MP but that doesn't matter, I opened MP manually and tried playing music - same issue, when VC is running I get no sound for Music  ???

..I have never seen only one audio output on a system ??? Do you have install all driver for realtek audio device?...

Thanks for the suggestion.. but I had already looked at that too....

Computers eh?  :bonk



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 01, 2012, 08:57:16 PM »
humph.  I'm a bit stumped.

Me too.. I was replying earlier so didn't see your reply until after I hit "post" - been busy since then...

...What happens if you run MP first and then start VC ?..

If VC is running I get no sound for music, no matter how I go about things - I have tried the following:

- Start MP first and then start VC, use VC to play music.
- Start MP then start VC, use remote to play music
- Start VC then MP (with VC), use VC to play music
- Start VC then MP, use remote to play music

Strangely enough there are no errors showing in the MP logs now ???

..You may only have one sound output, but if you have more, then in the TTS sound options you can select which one you want to use with TTS.  Of course it could also be related to the way VC plays wav files, but I don't have this problem on either of my machines...

Screenshot attached of TTS options - there's nothing else to choose from.. NOTE: I have no "sounds" selected in VC -> Options ->  General - Sounds but I still hear "connecting" when igiving the first command in MP (which doesn't stick - I always have to repeat the first command after VC says "connecting" even if I have used VC to open MP)

..I don't know why MP does not have a key or command for opening up the hidden menu. ... For now I suggest that you might want to create commands like "menu left" and "menu up" which simply do the left and up arrows respectively.

Sounds good - how do I do that? :) I had a look under Edit -> MPWiFiRemote Buttons and tried adding a command but obviously did something wrong..

A couple of other things:
- is there any way to correct VC when it gets a command wrong? e.g. I say SetVolume50 and always end up with "15"  :-\ Strange because us Kiwi's don't have an accent, it's the rest of you that do  ;D
- Is it possible for me to change the position of the overlay or is that set in the programme?



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 01, 2012, 07:14:32 PM »
Hi Bleazle, work MP without VC correct? The MP-log shows some errors at MP mixer

Yep, music plays fine when VC isn't turned on.

If I try to play music in MP using VC or if I use the remote to try to play music when VC is running I have to close VC & restart MP to get music to play. Closing VC alone doesn't fix the problem  ???

MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 01, 2012, 06:41:07 PM »
... Can you please explain the sequence of events and exactly what is happening.  And maybe tell me a bit more about your sound setup.

Sure thing:

The Setup: MediaPortal client (HP Touchsmart 600 Series, W7, onboard Realtek High Definition Audio). VC is installed on this computer and is being used to control it. Navigation (skin) sounds are turned off in MP.

What happens: Open MP with VC. If I play recorded TV or any other video file in MP the sound from the file being played is fine. If I play music I get no sound (I have tried MP3 & Windows Media files) I can set the volume level using VC or manually using the remote but I still don't get any sound even though I can see that the file is playing.

Here is the log info from MP:


Server stack trace:
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect(IPAddress[] addresses, Int32 port)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.RemoteConnection.CreateNewSocket(AddressFamily family)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.RemoteConnection.CreateNewSocket()
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.RemoteConnection.GetSocket()
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.SocketCache.GetSocket(String machinePortAndSid, Boolean openNew)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp.TcpClientTransportSink.SendRequestWithRetry(IMessage msg, ITransportHeaders requestHeaders, Stream requestStream)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp.TcpClientTransportSink.ProcessMessage(IMessage msg, ITransportHeaders requestHeaders, Stream requestStream, ITransportHeaders& responseHeaders, Stream& responseStream)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BinaryClientFormatterSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)

Exception rethrown at
  • :

   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
   at TvControl.IController.get_Cards()
   at Micropolis.TVCore.CoreTVHandler.GetTVServerCardCount()
   at SleepControlPlugin.SleepControl.InitTVServer(), No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
2012-01-02 10:42:07.503440 [ERROR][(17)]: World Weather: Error reading location feed information. Status code:  (Error Code: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at WorldWeatherPlugin.WorldWeather.GetWeatherFeedData(), Index was outside the bounds of the array.)
2012-01-02 10:43:39.278689 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: Exception   :System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at MediaPortal.Mixer.Mixer.Dispose()
   at MediaPortal.ExtensionMethods.ObjectMethods.SafeDispose(Object o)
   at MediaPortal.Player.VolumeHandler.Dispose()
   at MediaPortalApp.OnExit()
   at MediaPortalApp.Main(String[] args)
2012-01-02 10:43:39.278689 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: Exception   :Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
2012-01-02 10:43:39.279689 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]:   site      :Void Dispose()
2012-01-02 10:43:39.280690 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]:   source    :Core
2012-01-02 10:43:39.280690 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]:   stacktrace:   at MediaPortal.Mixer.Mixer.Dispose()
   at MediaPortal.ExtensionMethods.ObjectMethods.SafeDispose(Object o)
   at MediaPortal.Player.VolumeHandler.Dispose()
   at MediaPortalApp.OnExit()
   at MediaPortalApp.Main(String[] args)
2012-01-02 10:43:39.281690 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: MediaPortal stopped due to an exception Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Core    at MediaPortal.Mixer.Mixer.Dispose()
   at MediaPortal.ExtensionMethods.ObjectMethods.SafeDispose(Object o)
   at MediaPortal.Player.VolumeHandler.Dispose()
   at MediaPortalApp.OnExit()
   at MediaPortalApp.Main(String[] args)

... maybe the TTS voice in VC is somehow blocking your MP music... If you go to windows "text to speech" settings and click on "Advanced", you can select different output devices for TTS, or set it to use the "default" device.  You could try playing with these settings and see if it makes a difference.

Had a look at this - I don't have any option other than "Microsoft - Anna - English" & I have selected "use preferred audio output device"

...You should maybe check that the volume in MP and windows sound mixer is not being lowered or muted somehow...

Looking at the logs it seems as though there is something going on there (but I don't know what!)

What exactly is the "Hidden Menu" ?

It's a menu that's...uh.... hidden  :biglaugh :biglaugh - the problem is depending on the skin you use and the view you're in accessing the hidden menu via the remote can either be with the "up" or "left" button. At the moment I am telling VC "go left (or up) 1" to get it to open - if there is a phrase that can be entered to handle both possibilities )depending on where the hidden menu tab is sitting) let me know what to do and I'll give it a go  :)



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 01, 2012, 04:55:29 AM »
OK, mic is sorted and I things are looking good  :) Now that I've got VC running quite well I can see that it would actually be very handy - I'm running it on my client which is in the kitchen so having the ability to pause TV, scroll the TV Guide etc while cooking dinner (unfortunately my wife doesn't let me spend ALL of my time tweaking my HTPC!) would be great  :)

I do have a "bit" of a problem though... when VC is running I don't get any sound when music is playing  :( TV/Video is fine though  ??? To get sound to work again I have to close VC, then restart MP - are there any log files I can give you that will point to the problem?

@bodiroga: Some great suggestions there, +1 to all of them  :)

... I'm really missing the option to suspend/restart/shutdown the HTPC with my voice...

What skin are you using? I agree that a specific commands for power options would be good but for the moment I select the "Power Off, Reboot, Close" menu from BasicHome menu which isn't too bad (I'm using Avalon)

...but I am planning on dedicating a good chunk of my time to the MP stuff very soon.  I don't have any particular dates in mind but I hope to make some improvement before the end of January for sure.

 Great! :) :)

A "Hidden Menu" command would also be handy - I can get it to show by using "Go right 1" for example but that's a bit clunky - "Hidden Menu" would be better  :)

Looking forward to the next release - looks like VC will be on my shopping list very soon!



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: December 30, 2011, 05:40:51 PM »
In the next test release of VoxCommando I will include a configuration for MediaPortal, and I'll try to do a bit more testing too...

Great  :)

..Make sure you are not using VC in a protected area of your file system, like program files.

Installed in C:\VoxCommando as per the instructions that show during installation  :)

Did you follow the steps outlined in the following post?:

Yep  :)

..If you want to see a list of available commands, from the main VC window click "help" > "Generate Help Menu" and a web page will open with all the commands on it.

On to that too  :)

Yes you should be able to say "Play Artist Destinys Child" once it is set up correctly.  But you need to scan your MP library and rebuild grammars.  See the link above.

Done - the first example it gives me in the Commands Help file is Destinys Child  :)

If you are able to do dictation with Dragon fairly accurately then you can expect to get very good results on VC with the same equipment.  It helps to do a quick training session using windows speech recognition control panel.  Also make sure the default input level on your microphone is not set too high....

I don't use Dragon on my HTPC client but the windows speech recognition works well on it.

..Also make sure the default input level on your microphone is not set too high.  I don't know if dragon uses the default level like VC does or sets its own levels.  If you have more than one microphone on your system, make sure the default device is set correctly....

Done and done  :)  :)

...Please be patient.  I assure you it can work extremely well, but I haven't spent that much time ironing out the kinks for MediaPortal yet.  The more people are using it and posting here though the more attention I will give it.

Fair enough! VC seems to be pretty much unknown on the MP forum - I'm off to change my forum signature to help rectify that  :)

Looking forward to seeing how this progresses for MP - to be honest I don't need it, but if I can get it to work effortlessly it's just cool haha.



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: December 30, 2011, 04:52:15 PM »
the plugins tab on the main window shows installed and enabled plugins only.

To enable a plugin open VC Options, go to the plugins tab there, and place a checkmark next to it the plugins you want to use, then save and restart.  Then they will appear in the plugin tab of the main window.  You should enable MpWifiRemote and MpScan

Thanks! Could you add something like this to the top of your 3rd post in this thread? - that was the "missing step" for me  :-\ :

To enable plugins: Select "Options" -> Open options -> Plugins Tab -> select MPScan & MPWiFiRemote,  then save and restart VC.

Now that I have VC working I'm having mixed results - probably to do with mic quality but even when I use a USB mic which works well with Dragon Naturally Speaking (the worst named programme ever imho!) but I'll play around with the settings when I get a chance. One quick question, how do I jump to "Music" for example? or should I just be able to play an Artist or Album etc from any screen by saying "Play Artist Destinys Child"? (nothing happens at the moment)

Hope to get this working  :)



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: December 29, 2011, 01:50:48 AM »

I've just come across VoxCommando in the WifiRemote thread of the MediaPortal forum and was keen to give it a go but I'm not having any luck  :-\ I have installed WifiRemote (V 0.5) & VC 0912 MediaPortal test but as per the following screenshot nothing is showing in the "Plugins" tab  :-\ Note: I'm running MP 1.2.2  - W7 - English.



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