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Messages - Bleazle

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General / Re: the "Supporters" group
« on: February 01, 2012, 03:05:52 AM »
Me  ;D + can I have  NZ flag?  ;D

MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 18, 2012, 09:29:59 PM »
I agree - I take it you will move this to a new thread?

..I included a command "Browse Pictures" in the Group called  "MP Windows (May Work)" It opens window ID 2 and it works fine for me.  Something special about your picture setup?

No, that works for me but all it does is bring up the the "MyPictures" plugin, I'm talking about launching the Pictures slideshow.... for recorded TV, I neither have a TV-Tuner, nor use the plugin "for the record" so "next version of VC" would be highly optimistic.  I have no idea how I would call something like that.  Can you look in your MP database folder and see if there is something created by "for the record", or some other database file that might contain information about your recorded TV and if so, send the file to me so I can have a look?

I've had a look and can't find anything - I'm going to run out of time to look into this today and then I'm going to be away for a long weekend (riding the motocross bikes with my boys this time  :) ) so I'll check it out next week when I get a chance  :)



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 18, 2012, 08:52:53 PM »
Sorry to butt in, but is it possible to create a command which fires up the pictures slideshow? I've tried using the window ID but that didn't work (just got a black screen). Having said that I have got commands working using window ID's for InfoService (News), Weather & MVCentral (would be great to be able to jump to an artist.. needs to have a payload file created?) If it isn't possible can I clone the "launch MP" command and change the .exe file to launch a screensaver programme that I use? If so how do I enter the path name (the path is C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Nostalgic.scr)

Also with regard to Recorded TV (NOTE: I use the ForTheRecord plugin) is there anyway to jump to a recorded programme (or folder in the case of multiple recordings)? I guess a payload will have to be created (& updated regularly)... next version of VC?  :)



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 17, 2012, 11:07:44 PM »
..  Or if you put a distinct symbol in each like say a $ then you could use the find function at the top of the tree to highlight them all by searching for $...

That's why I use "CUSTOM" 9so I can search for all custom commands) - but "$" is quicker to type so I might change to that  ;D

MediaPortal / Re: skip forward/back some time
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:12:31 PM »
{1} already contains the value "forward" or "back" so your TTS can be

skipping {1}

and it will either say "skipping forward" or "skipping back"

 :bonk :bonk :bonk

That was easy! Bummed out now that I didn't work it out myself!  :bonk :bonk :bonk


MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:03:39 PM »
VC crashes every time I try to copy one over

I only have that problem if MP is open  :-\

that also seems a bit longwinded

I agree - it took me a while to work out which commands I had created and altered and then to work out the best way to save them because in some cases I will be replacing commands in newer versions of VC and in others I will be adding commands that I have created  :-\ (and I have only just started playing around with this stuff..)

copy your old voicecommands.xml... then open it in the bin in the new version of VC.  Drag what you want over to the active tree.

That's an easy solution too but because ...

....there is no magical intelligent "merge" command that knows what's new, what's old and what's a custom command..

.. it means you still have to go through and work out what you've changed. It would be good if there was a way of automatically "marking" commands as being "custom" (or if VC magically knew  ;D ). At the moment I'm doing it manually by adding "CUSTOM" to the title of the command, then I set up the bin file so that the commands I have created or customised are in the same folders that they are in in the main tree (eg. MPWFIGeneral - Delete Recording CUSTOM). When I load a new version of VC I open the matching folders in the main tree and the bin file and copy the custom commands across which makes overwriting VC commands with my version easier. I could put the commands I have created into a "CUSTOM" folder but at the moment I "tie them in" with existing folders. Might not be the best way to do it but it works for me... NOTE: I have only done one upgrade (last night) so it's not like I'm talking with a lot of experience here!  ;D



MediaPortal / Re: skip forward/back some time
« on: January 17, 2012, 09:35:51 PM »
I'm having fun with this one  :) I had TTS set up to say "skipping forward (or back, as appropriate) XXX minutes" but of course the XXX was being said in seconds and I couldn't work out how to change that to minutes. So now I've changed it so say "skipping XX minutes" - which is OK, but ideally it should say "back" or "forward" as well - is there a way that I can say "if {1} = forward and {2} = 300 then TTS.Speak "skipping forward 5 minutes" (and obviously if {1} doesn't = forward then say "skipping back 5 minutes") etc?

Sorry for the amateur hour questions... maybe I should go and lean a bit of C++ or whatever this is....

MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 17, 2012, 06:11:45 PM »
I think you missed the redirected topic, check out the command I uploaded there.

We were typing over each other again  :-\ - saw your post after I hit "post" - thanks - will go and have a look (and see if you did it the same way I would have - like I've got any idea  :biglaugh )  and give the web search a go

MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 17, 2012, 05:44:29 PM »
well, that is not the approach that I would take.  It would probably be easiest if you just make 4 different commands and don't use any payloads or logic...

Yeah I figured that was the easiest way I just wanted to see if I could get "tricky" and learn a bit more about how commands work. Thanks for all of the pointers. I don't really like the "skip percent" command because 10% of a 2hr show isn't much but 10% of a 30min show is a lot!  ;D I'll have a go later at creating a command that jumps forward or back so many seconds... if I fail I'll ask you how to do it  ;D

As an aside, on your demo video you open a web page and do searches etc - I can launch firefox no problem but where are the commands from there? Do I have to activate another plugin?

@ Shango - I saved my custom commands to the bin file in V 0.912 - just copy them to the right hand side of the "Edit" window then save the Bin.xml file (I saved it as a new copy just in case I got something wrong). Then open the newer version of VC, go to "Edit", open the custom Bin file and copy and paste your custom commands over to the left hand side.


MediaPortal / skip forward/back some time
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:36:57 PM »
Just checked that.. unfortunately not... it's not a big deal on this client though. When I get a chance I'll try VC on my HTPC and see how that goes - better sound card etc.

I worked out the command I was trying to come up with last night but now I'm stuck on another one  :-\ I want to be able to say "skip (forward, back) (1,3,5) minutes" - I've worked out how to make a command for each option eg. "skip forward 1 minute" and could do that for all options but I'm guessing there must be a better/tidier way? I have edited the payload/4directions.xml to include:


and have played around with variations of the following. I've got no idea what "(A)==(B)" etc means so I took a stab at "contains"... where do I go from here? scrap it and start again?  ::)  ;D


MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 16, 2012, 11:46:05 PM »
Edit to my original post: Using 0.937 and things are looking good so far... trying to work out a command at the moment but don't want to "give in" and have to ask for help  ;D will keep trying.. it's not midnight yet after all  ;D

Testing of 0.936 hasn't gone too well for me  :-[... actually I can't get it to do anything because I get this message on startup of VC "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"

I clicked "allow" when the Windows Firewall message appeared... Any ideas? (WifiRemote: installed)



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 16, 2012, 07:29:13 PM »
Hi Bleazle, try the new version on your htpc, and let me know if it works now.  I changed a few things with sound and tts in version 0.937

just make sure you don't have any sound or TTS coming from VoxCommando just before starting MediaPortal of the ASIO won't initialize.  This is true for any program and windows system sounds because Asio is picky.

Cheers, will do - in fact I was just off to do it now  ;D I've been away for the last few days (wakeboarding, skiing, jetskiing etc with the kids - I love summer  ;D ) and have just spend the last hour trying to catch up what's been posted here - it's been busy!


MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 04, 2012, 06:43:01 PM »
UPDATE: MPWIFI Music commands are working now - I haven't done anything since posting the above post apart from launching MP again (which I had done several times before posting the above comment, as well as a full restart) and it's working again. Must've just been a bit of a glitch.. working now though so all good  :)

I think I mentioned this earlier: For some reason the first "select" command I make once MP is launched doesn't "stick" e.g.: Launch MP (MP opens), scroll up 1 (works), select (VC says "connecting" but nothing happens), select (works).



MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 04, 2012, 06:17:44 PM »
It's coming back to me now! (sorry, my mistake, I've been playing with lots of different things trying to work out how to do stuff) - yep, what you have shown is the original but it didn't work so I went and looked at a command that was working (can't remember which one) and more or less copied that - strSong was a guess on my part (I don't know anything about this sort of stuff!) until I realised that I should take a look at the music database (I've had to do that for a couple of other MP plugins so I know the basics) and see what the field was called - obviously it's "Title", not song!  :bonk

Right now I've got a problem which is bugging me (because I can't work out what has happened) - "play artist XX" & "Play genre XX"etc were working great then I decided to take a stab at making the command "who is this?" - it didn't work so I deleted it but now none of the other MPWIFI Music commands work  ??? I have generated new MP Payloads but that (as expected) didn't help... what have I done???

MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 04, 2012, 05:03:15 PM »
I'm still using the test release. I didn't create the original command (top left of the above screenshot) - maybe I dragged it from the right hand side? (I did drag a command from there but I can't remember which one)

Hope you're less confused now  ;D

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