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Messages - JoshK

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VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Re: Issuing commands from irule
« on: September 08, 2014, 09:04:12 PM »
I thought that may be the case. but I've got irule communicating directly with an itach through dns address.

I can't seem to get communication via http working even using my vox's internal network IP address..

http gateway in irule set to local vox ip address, port 26408, set to POST.
buttons in irule send "/api/tellvox&&blah"

am i doing something there?

I'm convinced once i've got irule send http requests to vox that this will work with the dynamic dns.

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / connecting vox with sms service
« on: September 07, 2014, 12:03:00 PM »
I'm hoping to connect vox to the following messaging service for sms integration

looking at their api i think this should be possible, my questions are -

It appears their api delimts payloads with a single & as opposed to vox which uses &&. I'm not a coder so not sure if this will matter?

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Re: Issuing commands from irule
« on: September 07, 2014, 11:56:16 AM »
so I got this all working however can't seem to get it working through my dynamic dns service... it only works when I actually specifiy my external ip address in irule for the gateway.
I'm guessing this must mean something about udp not working through my ddns service.

how should i configure irule http gateway and commands to issue http request to voxcommando?

I've tried creating at http gateway with address and port 26408 and configure commands in irule as "vc.tellvox&&turn%on%television" however this ins't working..

any suggestions?

I've been trying to get IFTTT integration with VC working through use of this -

has anyone else tried this?

btw I haven't succeeded yet. but it should be possible

Edit: since upgraded to and used watcher plugin with dropbox for ifttt integration - Beautiful!

have been using voxcommandSP with XBMC 12.3 successfully for some time, however only to send events from vc to xbmc, not vice versa.

Although I can successfuly send commands to xbmc, I can't seem to receive notifications from xbmc.

everytime I run xjson.connect it cannot connect.

when I go into the xjson plugin options and test the connection it is successful.
vc and xbmc are running on the same machine.

could anyone offer some troubleshooting advice?

I'm now having trouble setting this up to work from outside my network.

I can obviously setup a port forwarding rule on my router to forward external port 33000 to any address, and setup irule to connect to my external IP, but what IP address do I forward the port to?

Feature Requests / Apple Home Kit Development Framework Possibilities
« on: June 14, 2014, 06:44:43 AM »
I understand it's very early days since apple has announced home kit. But is there a possibility this could be implemented to issue commands to VC via it's http server?
If so this would give the ability to control VC from siri which would be nice!

Feature Requests / Re: voxwav bluetooth ability
« on: June 02, 2014, 12:51:29 AM »
Just to reiterate, I do not intend to add Bluetooth recording as an option to VoxWav any time soon, mainly because I don't know how it can be done.  This does not seem to be something that many people have been able to figure out.  I have looked around for a free app to record high quality audio using Bluetooth (as a first step to establish that it is even possible) and I can't find any that work at all on either my phone or my tablet.  Please bear in mind that using bluetooth to perform Google speech recognition is not the same as recording Bluetooth audio.  Also recording Bluetooth directly to a hihgly compressed file on your device is not the same thing either.  We need to be able to stream uncompressed pcm data through a TCP socket.

If I come across a good resource that helps be figure out how this could be possible I will see about integrating it into the app, but until then, what I'm saying is... don't hold your breath!  It may never happen.

I've seem some people talking about extending the range of Bluetooth dongles.  Maybe that is an option for some.

Hi James,

It certainly appears that very few apps support it.

Here's the only one I could find that claims to -

Feature Requests / Re: voxwav bluetooth ability
« on: June 01, 2014, 10:27:37 PM »
Yes for such senario is VoxWav the best at all. A other solution is a wireless stage mic which I describes here

and you can use your VoxWav device as speaker, because the stage mic has no back channel.
It is a very small bodypack (a bit bigger than a matchbox) with a high range and absolutly clear voice and if you do not want to wear a mic close to your mouth, you can use a lavalier microphone.
The only thing - it is a bit more expensive as a bluetooth headset.

Not a bad setup, might give this a go as a temporary solution, obviously a bluetooth compatible voxwav would be better, but for the moment your idea will suffice
My setup uses one single PC, with 3 x hdmi outputs, that are then run to each room for video and audio (via cat5), I then have commands for 'speak to bedroom' or 'speak to lounge room' that uses virtual audio cable to then switch tts output to the room specified. This means I don't need to worry about return audio.

Feature Requests / Re: voxwav bluetooth ability
« on: June 01, 2014, 07:43:20 AM »
I think he mean the BT range when you have some walls or floors between the dongle and your headset. In my case the BT signal goes weak after a couple of some meters and if you want to use a headset in a bigger house this solution is not ideal.

Yes, exactly. I live in an apartment where all walls are structural concrete, which with doors closed is pretty much impenetrable to bluetooth.

I'm also wanting to put vc into a large house that I did a whole house irule setup for, it's 3 stories so again would need the ability to work via voxwav.

Feature Requests / Re: voxwav bluetooth ability
« on: June 01, 2014, 06:16:56 AM »
Today i just setup SE SBH52 to work with VC and results are really good. Must tweak required confidence and input level on the mic to get better result when watching movies or listening music but first impression is really good. SBH have a "clip on" method to wear so found it very useful..

Cool gadget is just grown UP to more cool gadget  ;D

Looks cool!
But is still obviously limited via range, but if voxwav supported bt audio you could use stuff like these anywhere.

Feature Requests / Re: voxwav bluetooth ability
« on: June 01, 2014, 04:22:51 AM »
I'm using sp version.
I've successfully connected bluetooth headset to the PC and had great results, however bluetooth range limitations prevent this as a whole house option.

Feature Requests / voxwav bluetooth ability
« on: May 31, 2014, 01:13:38 AM »
Have been testing voxcommando with my full home automation over the past few months. The program itself is amazing and is the perfect solution to a totally voice automated home, however it still has one major shortfall.

after I got voxcommando controlling everything (lighting, climate zones, blinds, televisions, media centers, locks and garage doors) I discovered the one biggest shortfall is the lack of a hands free always on experience.

I've extensively tested every single microphone input method you can think of including voxwav, amulet remotes, skype calls, mobiola headset etc, bluetooth headsets, and bluetooth conference call units.

for a real handsfree experience, the best route is via bluetooth headset, or something similar (like a jabra clipper). The only way to currently do this via skype call, which is not ideal.

I've recently tried the tasker and autovoice setup combined with bluetooth headset and had it triggerd by pressing a button on the headset, which is possibly close to the solution, but not quite there. Unforunately since autovoice isn't searching for the predefined phrases that vc does, it's success rate is dramatically lower (particularly with an australian accent) than if VC was handling the speech recognition.

It strikes me that the best way to achieve this is for voxwav to support bluetooth headsets, allowing a button press on the headset to trigger it start recording and complete and send the recording after a user definable timespan.

I'm not a developer so I don't really understand how complex this request is or isn't - however it would be the ideal way to control VC!

Feature Requests / Re: Belkin Wemo and Phillips Hue Support
« on: March 31, 2014, 04:40:23 AM »
thankyou, works perfectly.

for future advice for anyone else reading the post, the above command works, however i'd advise creating 3 actions for ports 49152,49153, and 49154 to ensure it always works.

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Re: Issuing commands from irule
« on: March 29, 2014, 01:17:46 AM »
thanks for your help, I was setting the IP address of the gateway as the ip of my vc machine. Your screen shot solved my problem :)

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