Author Topic: GetColorPixel Action + Custom Tray Icon/Overlay + Active Only If Process Running  (Read 2580 times)

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I had  a few ideas and thought I would put them in one thread rather than create separate threads.

1. GetColorPixel Action: The ability to get the color information from a designated pixel on the screen. This combined with the use of logic blocks would allow commands to only work in very specific scenarios. (e.g. I can have it where commands would only work on the Title Screen of a given app)

2. Custom Tray Icon + Overlay: Not to criticize the designers artistic choices but It would be nice if it was possible to use our own PNG or ICO files to customize the Tray Icon and Overlay. The tray icon specifically isn't the most elegant. Just a green/yellow/red square with a blur in the middle.
With the overlay, being able to use our own PNGs could customized our experiences to suit our own preferences. For example, I could make the Standby and Off overlay icon completely transparent so that I would only see the overlay if Vox was on. Or vise-versa, I would only see the icon if Vox was off.
If I had to pick one, I just want to be able to change the tray icon. I just like my taskbar to have a certain aesthetic. I actually did this with PIA a while back because PIA just grabs their icons from a sub-directory in the installation folder. I just swapped out what I wanted to change. 

3. Active Only If Process is Running: This one isn't a big deal because it can already be done using logic blocks. but similiar to how you can go into the Group Properties and limit "Active only for process" for windows that are active. Have an option to limit an action to whether or not a app is running regardless of if it has focus.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 01:52:10 AM by Daniel »


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1. GetColorPixel Action: The ability to get the color information from a designated pixel on the screen. This combined with the use of logic blocks would allow commands to only work in very specific scenarios. (e.g. I can have it where commands would only work on the Title Screen of a given app)

Have you already investigated the Win plugin? Might be an alternative to get color pixel for your needs, not sure.
TIPS: POST VC VERSION #. Explain what you want VC to do. Say what you've tried & what happened, or post a video demo. Attach VC log. Link to instructions followed.  Post your command (xml)


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I just thought of another feature that I think could be useful. Have options to use the Windows Toast notifications instead of the OSD. The OSD takes focus so it will minimizes full screen apps. Depending on how the app handles losing focus. Windows toasts don't do that and can be controlled in the windows settings to stay quiet while doing certain things.


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There is an action already but I'm not sure if it's the same thing as what you are talking about.


This works in all versions of Windows.  I'm not sure if the Windows 10 "Toast" notifications offer a new api that is somehow better.


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Oh, nice. This is pretty useful. However, I would say that it would still be a nice feature to have this under the OSD options. Writing this line into every command could be tedious work, and then if you changed your mind later on and had to change them back. I don't know if it is possible to have an event that intercepts all OSD notifications and converts them into this. Just a check box or something in the options would be cool.