How this RoboBrowser TTS command group works:
1. You are providing:
i. the text that you want read aloud (and/or translated)
ii. the language that you want Google Translate to translate your text to, before reading it aloud.
2. The first command navigates to the Google Translate webpage, using the URL:[languagecode of your choice]/[The text that you want read aloud (and/or translated)]/
3. When that web page is fully loaded, a RoboB.DocComplete.GoogleTranslate event is automatically generated in VC, and that triggers the 2nd command.
(Sidenote: the "GoogleTranslate" suffix in this event name comes from the fact that the first command names the RoboBrowser window it creates "GoogleTranslate". If you were to change that name, then the event generated would change accordingly. You will see this if you explore the 2 commands on your own.)
4. Note that now the Google Translate page has the original text in the left-hand box, and the translated text in the right-hand box.
If you provide English text, and "en" as the language code, then Google will "translate" the text from English to English, and the resulting text that is read aloud will still be English.
If you provide English text, and "fr" as the language code, then Google will translate the text from English to French, and the resulting text that is read aloud will be French. (etc.)
5. The second command uses RoboBrowser's functionality to select the "listen" button below the resulting text box, and then click on that button.
So the audio TTS that you hear is coming from this RoboBrowser window. The browser window is simply hidden.
If you want to do anything else with the resulting translation, you will need to actually capture the text. Currently, this command group does nothing but load a web page and click a button.