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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2015, 07:07:25 PM »
Very nice job!  Can't wait to see more!   ::) ::)


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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2015, 02:42:05 AM »
Any news about this? I'm building separate nodes for controlling lights and reading from sensors and im very excited to try thr python programs that you mentioned.


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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2015, 08:41:50 AM »
I will upload some python later today.  It is still a bit of a work in progress. The python could be improved in many ways but it works.

Kalle and Dave have been working on all sorts of neat stuff like IR blasters RF blasters, and RGB light strips controllers.


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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2015, 02:02:36 PM »
Here is a starting point for the python code.  It works pretty well.  You need to set the com port for your gateway near the beginning of the code.

I don't have time to try to explain everything about it, but feel free to ask questions.  Ideally this code should be written to put everything into a class but I'm not that experienced with python, and although I would be able to do it it would take me more time than I want to spend on it at the moment.  If anyone out there who is good with python wants to help that would be great.

Code: [Select]
#VoxCommando read/write to serial port by James&Kalle
#you must have enabled the python-plugin in VoxCommando
#start this python script with VoxCommando
#this code is for using Sensors which build with sketches and Sensors from


import clr
import io,json,sys
import time
from System import *
from System.Collections.Generic import *
import traceback

## Init variables...
global sValSum
sValSum = ""
global inclusionMode
inclusionMode = True
minID=1  # default: 1
maxID=255   # defualt: 255

## prepare / clear log file
logFile = open("PY\\sensorLog.txt", "wt")

## Initialize, try to load known IDs from file
## If a sensor is no longer used you can edit the text file "PY\sensorIDs.txt" to remove the id so it can be assigned to a new sensor.

    readIDsFile = open("PY\\sensorIDs.txt", "rt")
    txtIDs =
    sensorIDs = json.loads(txtIDs)
    print "loaded IDs"
    print sensorIDs
    print "unable to load sensor IDs"
    sensorIDs = []
def log(txt):
    with open("PY\\sensorLog.txt", "a") as myfile:

def saveIDsToFile(saveIDs):
    IDsFile = open("PY\\sensorIDs.txt", "wt")
    strData = json.dumps(saveIDs)   
def registerID(newID): 
    intID = int(newID)
    global sensorIDs
    if intID in sensorIDs:
        log( "ID already registered: "+str(newID))
        log( "registering new ID: "+newID)
def getNewID():
    global sensorIDs
    for i in range(minID,maxID):
        if not (i in sensorIDs):           
            return i
    return -1
def assignFreeID():
    global inclusionMode   
    # we can check here to see if we are in "including mode or not"
    # and if not then just log and return without assigning an ID
    newID = getNewID();
    log("free node ID: "+str(newID))
    if newID==-1:
        log( "error: there are no free IDs left!")
        if inclusionMode:
            strMessage = "255;255;3;0;4;"+str(newID)
            print strMessage
            log( "assigned new ID to sensor: " + strMessage)
            log("not in inclusionMode so not assigning ID to node")
### END of new sensor ID section

sensorTypes = {"0":"TEMP", "1":"HUM", "2":"LIGHT", "3":"DIMMER", "4":"PRESSURE", "5":"FORECAST", "6":"RAIN", "7":"RAINRATE", "8":"WIND", "9":"GUST", "10":"DIRECTION", "11":"UV", "12":"WEIGHT", "13":"DISTANCE", "14":"IMPEDANCE", "15":"ARMED", "16":"MOTION", "17":"WATT", "18":"KWH", "19":"SCENE_ON", "20":"SCENE_OFF", "21":"HEATER", "22":"HEATER_SW", "23":"LIGHT_LEVEL", "24":"VAR1", "25":"VAR2", "26":"VAR3", "27":"VAR4", "28":"VAR5", "29":"UP", "30":"DOWN", "31":"STOP", "32":"IR_SEND", "33":"IR_RECEIVE", "34":"FLOW", "35":"VOLUME", "36":"LOCK_STATUS", "37":"DUST_LEVEL", "38":"VOLTAGE", "39":"CURRENT"}
IntsubTypes = {"0":"BATTERY", "1":"TIME", "2":"VERSION", "3":"ID-REQUEST", "4":"ID-RESPONSE", "5":"INCLUSIONMODE", "6":"CONFIG", "7":"FIND-PARENT", "8":"RESPONSE-PARENT", "9":"LOG-MESSAGE", "10":"CHILDREN", "11":"SKETCHNAME", "12":"SKETCHVERSION", "13":"REBOOT", "14":"GATEWAY-READY"}
presTypes = {"0":"DOOR", "1":"MOTION", "2":"SMOKE", "3":"LIGHT", "4":"DIMMER", "5":"COVER", "6":"TEMP", "7":"HUM", "8":"BARO", "9":"WIND", "10":"RAIN", "11":"UV", "12":"WEIGHT", "13":"POWER", "14":"HEATER", "15":"DISTANCE", "16":"LIGHTLEVEL", "17":"ARDUINONODE", "18":"ARDUINORELAY", "19":"LOCK", "20":"IR", "21":"WATER", "22":"AIRQUALITY", "23":"CUSTOM", "24":"DUST", "25":"SCENECONTROLLER"}

def  Ondata (sender, event):
        processData (sender)
        log( "error receiving serial data...")
        log( traceback.format_exc() )
def  processData (sender):
    global sValSum
    sData = sender.ReadLine ()
    log("========NEW MESSAGE======")
    log(sData )
    dataParts = sData.split(";")
    sensorID = dataParts[0]
    childID = dataParts[1]
    friendlyID = sensorID+"|"+childID
    msgType = dataParts[2]
    msgPayload = dataParts[5]
    log( "Message type: "+msgType )
    if msgType=="1":   
        #SET VALUE Message
        sVal = msgPayload
        if sVal[-1] == "+":
            sValSum = sValSum + sVal[0:len(sVal)-1]
            print "SET VALUE Message -- node: " +friendlyID
            sensorType = sensorTypes[sensTypeNum]           
            sValSum = sValSum + msgPayload
            vc.triggerEvent("MySensorsValue."+sensorType+"."+friendlyID+"."+sValSum, List[str]([dataParts[0],dataParts[1],sValSum, sensorType]))
            sValSum = ""

    elif msgType=="0":
        #PRESENTATION Message
        log( "PRESENTATION Message")
        presType = presTypes[presTypeNum]
        log( "presType: "+presTypeNum+": "+presType)
        #vc.triggerEvent("MySensorsPres."+presType+"."+friendlyID+"."+msgPayload, List[str]([dataParts[0],dataParts[1],msgPayload, presType]))

    elif msgType=="3":
        #INTERNAL Message
        #log( "INTERNAL Message" )
        IntsubType = IntsubTypes[IntsubTypeNum]
        log( "Internal Message subType: "+IntsubTypeNum+": "+IntsubType )
        #vc.triggerEvent("MySensorsIntsub."+IntsubType+"."+friendlyID+"."+msgPayload, List[str]([dataParts[0],dataParts[1],msgPayload, IntsubType]))
        if sData=="255;255;3;0;3;" :
            log( "Sensor has requested a new ID" )

def arduinoWrite(sendMessage):
    global logbool
    strParts = sendMessage.split(";")
    length = len(strParts[5])
    strPartsMsg = strParts[5]
    print "sending: "+sendMessage
    if length > chunkSize: 
        end = int(round(length/chunkSize-0.5))
        for i in range(0, end):
            msgPart = strPartsMsg[(i*chunkSize):((i+1)*chunkSize)]
            print "chunk: "+ msgPart
        msgPart = strPartsMsg[((end)*chunkSize):(length)]
        print "final chunk: "+ msgPart
        print str

serialPort = IO.Ports.SerialPort(useComPort) #Which serial port which your gateway device is connected to
serialPort.BaudRate = 115200 #Baudrate for mySensors (must be 115000)
serialPort.DataBits = 8
serialPort.DataReceived += Ondata #function to call when serial data arrives from the gateway device
log( "Serial connection established" )

You can get this code to load at startup with something like this command:

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<command id="1196" name="load python" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
  <event>python ready</event>


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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2015, 12:00:26 PM »
an idea for the py script, is to change to mysensor.xxxx or something like that to avoid conflict of naming in case of adding another serial port ... I suffered with this when I added a second serial port to connect arduino and XAP800
When Voice command gets tough, use hand gestures


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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2015, 12:31:04 PM »
I don't understand your .xxx notation so maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are talking about.

Are you talking about renaming the serial port variable (object)?  If so, then yes this is a good idea, but if we made proper classes then it would not be an issue.  In general if we create a lot of global variables without putting them into classes then we run the risk of future conflicts with other scripts.


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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2015, 01:28:10 PM »
Yes the variable serialport
When Voice command gets tough, use hand gestures


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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2015, 08:04:23 AM »
Any news about this? I'm building separate nodes for controlling lights and reading from sensors and im very excited to try thr python programs that you mentioned. Thanks!

Here are some pictures from our working RGB-Controller. Dave has written a arduino sketch, which let you Dim, changing to any colour, blink in any colour, fade to any colour and much more. I will also record a new demo video which shows the RGB controller in action next time.
If you need more information about our pojects (Wireless IR-Blaster, Temp/Hum. Sensors), let us know.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 07:34:34 AM by Kalle »
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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2015, 11:14:56 AM »
Thanks for the script and the further information! I'm now waiting for the radios to arrive,  they shall arrive to me in Brazil in 3 weeks, but I'll start all the programming stuff anyway and will test what is possible until then

I've already done my parallel arduino light switches, but since it's parallel with another manual switch, I'm looking for a reliable way of the arduino telling if the light is on or off. Will probably need a current sensor in the relays or something like that.


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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2015, 11:27:09 AM »
Now I have upload a demonstration video with the RGB Controller to youtube in action.

I will create a public folder at if anybody is interested to download the Command-groups, arduino sketch or python scripts

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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2015, 07:24:37 AM »
RGB-Controller with motion sensor in 3D-printed case  ;D


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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #26 on: April 10, 2015, 08:49:53 AM »
Good job  :clap
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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #27 on: April 10, 2015, 09:14:12 AM »
RGB-Controller with motion sensor in 3D-printed case  ;D

Beautiful.  ::bow

Here's a photo of the assembled RGB controller itself


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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #28 on: April 10, 2015, 10:36:16 AM »
RGB-Controller with motion sensor in 3D-printed case  ;D

How cool is that? Super.
TIPS: POST VC VERSION #. Explain what you want VC to do. Say what you've tried & what happened, or post a video demo. Attach VC log. Link to instructions followed.  Post your command (xml)


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Re: Self-build Arduino HA sensors controlled with VoxCommando
« Reply #29 on: April 10, 2015, 12:17:27 PM »
When Voice command gets tough, use hand gestures