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Messages - IKROWNI

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Off Topic (not related to VC) / Re: Windows 10 S With voxcommando
« on: May 12, 2017, 03:48:49 AM »
Yea NM looks like I read the article wrong. They were saying the only way to install apps outside of the windows store is to buy and install Windows 10 pro. I was thinking they meant you could bypass the restriction by buying a key.

And I've seen a few sites say it would work on a pi but then others saying that it's going to be a preinstalled only OS.

So I don't really know what the plans are but that would be awesome.

Off Topic (not related to VC) / Windows 10 S With voxcommando
« on: May 08, 2017, 07:53:26 PM »
I'm not sure if I'm just not understanding how exactly windows 10 s works but from the looks of it we might be able to get windows 10 running on a raspberry pi 3.

I'm curious as if vox could work with this new OS? It says something about apps must be used from the app store only and that devs will have to use windows new tool to make their apps available on the windows store. But it also talks about buying a license for the OS and that possibly allowing you to use apps that don't come from the app store.

So what I'm thinking is we could possibly throw windows 10s onto a rpi3 add a mic and speaker. 3d print a nice little case and basically have something similar sized to an echo dot but running vc instead.

I've pretty much grown to hate Alexa. The mic picks up the voices with great quality but it lacks so far behind vc when it comes to the customizations I care about.

I know I would be okay dropping about $100 for a dedicated voxcommando hub. I would probably go as far as to put one in every room.

Bug Reports / Re: MQTT Not reconnecting
« on: January 17, 2017, 06:44:04 PM »
Thank you

Bug Reports / MQTT Not reconnecting
« on: January 14, 2017, 06:19:57 PM »
I know its not so much a bug more than a slight irritant. When my mqtt server is restarted vox has to be manually reconnected by going into the plugin and clicking connect. Is there anyway for it to reconnect by itself when the server comes back up?

WAY Off Topic / Merry Christmas voxcommando friends
« on: December 25, 2016, 04:37:49 AM »
This community has been such a great gift year after year for such a long time I just wanted to say thank you very very much!

A huge thanks to James for the amazing software that has eaten hours and hours of my time and become one of my favorite hobbies.

The community here deserves a huge thank you as well. So many users here have poured hours of time into making tutorials and just generally helping out I would be nowhere in my endeavors without your help and support.

Merry Christmas everyone and happy new years!

Now if only amazon would open up push notifications.

ok cool thanks again!  ^-^

Hey thanks for all of your help nime5ter. I got it working using the second method instead of using VC.TellVox because when i used that it gave me this

switching it over to VC.TriggerEvent got everything firing properly. Just out of curiosity do you guys have a donations page? I feel like ive gotten the best level of support from this community especially you and james that i need to make more of a contribution.


So it is getting the payloads attached

Scanning the Home Assistant site, it looks like it can communicate via MQTT and also works with Vera devices. If you are using either of these, maybe there's a way to communicate with VC either through tthe MQTT plugin or the Vera plugin.

So i checked out the mqtt documentation found here

And ive setup a switch that looks like this in home assistant

Code: [Select]
#switch 1
- platform: mqtt
  name: "Fan"
  command_topic: "HomeAssistant/Events/"
  payload_on: "VC.TriggerEvent&&Fan On"
  payload_off: "VC.TriggerEvent&&Fan Off"

This created my switch properly in home assistant and i can flick it on and off but i think i might be looking at this wrong as far as how its supposed to work because when i click the switch in home assistant i can see this in the vox logs.

Code: [Select]
MQTT.Topic.HomeAssistant/Events/ pops up in vox so i can see that clicking the button in home assistant is getting through to voxcommando but its not sending the events i need it to send for on/off. When i click the button on i was hoping for it to send through something to vox in the shape of VC.TriggerEvent&&Fan On and from there i would just drag that event into the command editor in vox.

You guys/gals are simply the best! I'll try a few of these ideas tonight thanks everyone.

I have home assistant on my raspberry pi with a few other home automation programs. I wish vox could run on it as well.But since that doesnt really seem like an option at this point i need to find another way to trigger events from home asistant on my raspberry pi to my voxcommando on my windows pc.

The whole reason for this is because as far as i know vox isnt compatible with the echo dot so i am using home assistant so that i can give alexa commands to turn various things on/off.

I've been tinkering with iftt and im kinda confused by how you guys go about getting ifttt to work with voxcommando. I see some people saying to use the maker channel, some saying to use the watcher plugin in vox, and other methods with dropbox.

If someone could help me with setting up ifttt to send messages from home assistant to vox to trigger events or if you know another way to have alexa find devices through vox and control them that would be even better.

Thanks as always guys

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Re: Mailbox Logic
« on: September 24, 2016, 03:40:01 PM »
Ahh didn't think about the whole thing flipflopping and having to reset it over and over. The time idea sounds like it will work just fine. That with phone notifications will work. Thanks.

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Mailbox Logic
« on: September 24, 2016, 03:01:13 PM »
Just bought a zwave tilt sensor and plan to install it onto my mailbox. I want vox to tell me when the box was opened and shut as "delivered" when its the first time that sequence has happened. Then if the box opens and then closes again i want it to tell me that the mail was obtained.

This is what i have put together so far and vox writes the text file for a rainmeter skin to display (open/closed) but this isnt very helpful as to whether the mail was already obtained or not.

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<command id="625" name="MailBox" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
  <if ifBlockDisabled="False" ifNot="False">
      <param>C:\Users\theki\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\Home Automation\_MISC_\MailBox\MailBox.txt</param>

Off Topic (not related to VC) / Re: Animated Butler as jarvis possible?
« on: September 24, 2016, 01:40:58 AM »
I'll probably grab the little guy just for the novelty of it. If I can at least get the mouth swinging open and closed when vox is talking that would make me more than happy enough. Maybe later I'll add him on top of a roomba and make it really fun.

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