Bumping James's link to the Wunder tutorial video, as it's rather buried both on youtube and here on the forum:
I notice that a user recently deleted his post in which he asked for help with a Wunder error, after a response had been provided.
One purpose of the forum is to try to be more time efficient: when user questions are answered publicly it theoretically provides answers helpful to other users (assuming people can find them), so that we don't have to keep answering the same questions over and over. This is necessary because we are a very small team, as mentioned in the forum guidelines.
Please don't delete your questions just because the answer seems obvious after the fact.
This is a complex program with many different features. Sometimes even the obvious escapes us. Do, of course, make reasonable effort to find the information on your own before posting, but once you've posted feel assured that you are probably not the only one who had that question, and the answer will be useful to others.
Problems with getting weather from the Wunder plugin are most commonly due to Weather Underground not understanding your location. autoip only works in some locations. James's video gives detailed instructions on all the various options for providing location info to WU, depending on where you live.