If that's the case, it wouldn't call up a correct song at all.
I did some testing last night with 2 different libraries, 1 library calls with less songs calls up the songs perfectly using the same command above.
It seems like the larger the library gets the worse the issue becomes, and it looks to be Jriver specific issue, cause XBMC works perfectly after i cleaned up the tags.
Also, if i'm calling up a song by Ace of Base "the sign, Coldplay "coming home" shouldn't even be an option to be clicked on.
Jriver is a mouse heavy program, the extra clicks are needed to give certain areas in the screen focus. So when I call a song it goes into the Playing Now view, from there you can switch to different visuals effect by saying "Next View".....Oddly enough when you leave from a screen and return the focus could be on the volume, the rating or the song position. So the next view command, would lower the volume, or rewind the song.
I'll remove the mouse commands but i guarantee that cold play song will still end up showing up.....It's tied wrong somehow, even when i ask what song is this, it says "The Sign" even though the Coldplay song is up.
I got the GenXML to work, so now i can switch between libraries, and have vox re-gen the xml behind the scenes. I found out the command in the builder doesn't give you the onscreen display like when you click on GENJRIVER, it just quietly does it in the back ground.