I am trying to enable xbmc client to work with MediaPortal Tv Server.
MediaPortal Server:
Xbmc - Dharma Version
- (MediaPortal_v120_TVServerXBMC_plugin_bin_rev107) -
- TVServer_v110_rev75
My installation procedure
1. I have ran TVServerXBMC.exe on Server where MediaPortal server is installed.
2. Just in case also manually copied the files into C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server
2. I have opened mediaportalconfiguration/plugins and checked box for Xbmc plugin.
3. I have restarted service of tV-server.
1. Opened TVServer_python_plugin/XBMC 10.x/addons and copied folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\addons
2. Opened XBMC/system settings/enabled add-ons, where MediaPortal Tv server plugin is visible. I have configured the IP of the Tv-Server and also tried with servername (let me also mentioned that I have put IP of the server in hosts/etc file).
I have opened XBMC Dharma client, went under videos / video add-ons / mediaportal tv-server:
* If I click recorded shows - nothing appears
* If I click on Live tv, I can see all channels list but If I click on one channel i receive an error: servers is offline or unavailable.
Already tried:
-telnet on ip of the server with port 9596 works like a charm
-the strange thing is if I use under telnet command Listchannels, I get a list of those channels but with parameter False?
-i have tried disabling win firewall on server, but still the same - srv is offline or unavailable
-With mediaporatl client I am able to connect to tv-server...
any sugestions?
with best regards