I am having a bit of trouble implementing the set rating command. I had no trouble dumping the media monkey play artists advanced payload. It showed up under groups and in the edit window. However, when I dump the set rating command into the media monkey payload folder, it does not show up anywhere within Vox. What am I doing wrong?
Ok, step by step.
1. Save the attached "MM Rating.xml" in the "export" folder in which you have installed VC.
2. Open VC, click on edit, to see the command tree editor.
3. Click above right "open new bin file" and select the MM Rating.xml -> click open.
4. You can see the MM Rating command on the right site in the in the command editor, drag and drop the xml to you current command tree on the left site of this window.
5. Click the big green button "Save All + Close" and restart VC -> that all
You should now work "rating" command. Speak in a VC "rate with (X) percent".
Important: MediaMonkey has to be started!
PS: disable in VC all groups that you do not need, so you can better check whether the command is working properly.